University Circle Advanced Technology CWRU
University Circle Advanced Technology Commons Centers of Excellence in Advanced Research and Development (CEARD) Circle New Media Center (NMC) University Circle GigaPop (UCG) Internet Switching Hotel (ISH) Network and Computing Operations Center (NCOC)
Centers of Excellence in Advanced Research and Development Faculty driven technology needs for research and development “Field of dreams” approach to IT in higher education does not work Evolving Centers of Excellence
Center of Excellence in Discovery through Advanced Visualization Project lead: John Clochesy, Nursing Involves: Arts and Sciences, Medicine, Engineering and Nursing Also: NASA, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Institute of Music Possible Funders: NIH, NSF, DoD Needs: Virtual reality cave (immersive environment), associated hardware and software, technical support staff
Center of Excellence in Advanced Network Applications in the Fine and Performing Arts Project lead: Tom Knab, CIM and CWRU Involves: Arts and Sciences, Law Also: Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland Museum of Art Funders: NEA, NSF Needs: Very high speed, dependable access; video and audio production facilities; associated hardware and software; and technical support staff
Center of Excellence in Remote and Simulated Medical Interventions Involves: Medicine, Nursing, Engineering Also: Simbionix (local biotech firm), University Hospitals, Cleveland Clinic Foundation Funders: NIH, DoD, NSF, industry Needs: Additional simulation facilities; very high speed, dependable access
Center of Excellence in Advanced Wireless Applications Project leads: Kalle Lyytinen, Youngjin Yoo, Information Systems, WSOM, and Frank Merat, EECS, Engineering Involves: WSOM, Engineering, Medicine Funders: NSF, NIH, NASA, corporate funders Needs: Laboratory space and equipment with hardware and software, student support (through named graduate student fellowships perhaps), technical support staff
Center of Excellence in Advanced Networking Research Project lead: Vincenzo Liberatore, EECS Involves: Engineering Also: Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center Funders: NSF, private industry, DoD Needs: Additional equipment and lab space for networking simulations; technical support staff; support for undergraduate and graduate assistantships
Center of Excellence in Learning Tools and Advanced Network Technology Involves: All Schools and Colleges Funders: NSF, NIH, private industry, non- profit organizations Needs: Production facilities for developing classroom learning objects; funds to support development of faculty and course material
Public discovery space (museum) featuring technology related displays Interactions, f2f and virtual, with researchers Interest from a large local museum in working with us on this piece
New Media Center (NMC) Digital production facility for use by faculty and University Circle partners First project was an Internet 2 performing arts production with performers in southern California and Ohio doing simultaneous performance over Internet 2 New cooperative agreement with ideastream (WCPN and WVIZ)
University Circle Gigapop (UCG) Connections to high speed state, national and international networks –OARnet –Internet2 (through OARnet) –Global Medical Research Exchange Network –National Light Rail Project (in process)
Internet Switching Hotel (ISH) Carrier neutral switching facility Ohio Academic Research Network (OARnet) hub (in process) Cleveland Education and Research Network hub (in process) Digital Cleveland Project Network hub (in process) E-Commerce Network hub (in process) E-government Network hub (in process) Sprint hub (in process)
Network and Computer Operations Center (NCOC) 24x7x365 operation Network Operations Center for CWRU, ISH, UCG and Strategic Technology Alliance Computer Operations Center for CWRU and Strategic Technology Alliance (University Circle and beyond partnerships)