A dr Z Lecture
On… Injuries and some other stuff of the HAND.
BENNETT’s Fracture Base of the 1st MC A fracture-subluxation Unstable Rx: Surgery
ROLANDO’s Fracture Comminuted fracture base of 1st MC Guarded prognosis Rx: Surgery or molded cast
METACARPAL SPIRAL Fracture Axial loading Closed reduction if significant rotation Rx: Cast
BOXER’s Fracture or MACHO Fracture: “Men Angrily Cuffing Hard Objects” (C. Blackmore) Rx: Closed reduction, cast
GAMEKEEPER’s or SKIER’s THUMB Forced abduction Rx: Cast if incomplete or nondisplaced tear of medial collateral ligament, surgery if complete and displaced MCL tear (Stener lesion)
SPIRAL Fracture of Phalanx Axial loading Rx: Closed reduction, cast
SALTER-HARRIS Lesion Type II Rx: Closed reduction, cast
VOLAR PLATE Fracture Forced hyperextension Rx: Splint
DISLOCATION PIP Joint Even more forced hyperextension Rx: Closed reduction and splint. If tendon entrapment, may required open reduction
MALLET or BASEBALL Finger Forced flexion Rx: Splint; if large fragment, surgery
TUFT Fracture Crush Often, open Rx: Splint
ENCHONDROMA Pathologic fracture Most common true neoplasm of fingers, usually benign Rx: Curettage and pack lesion
METASTASIS Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastases to the fingers are uncommon
INFECTION Pyogenic bacterial osteomyelitis and septic arthritis Note that this destructive lesion crosses the joint, a common occurrence in infection
NECROTIZING FASCIITIS Life threatening infection of subcutaneous tissues, often from trivial open injury Rx: Emergency extensive surgical debridement and I.V. antibiotics. May have to amputate.
Foreign Body: GLASS Usually, glass is visible, but negative films do not exclude it
WE’RE ALMOST DONE! Two obvious ones: Injury by nail gun and amputation by power saw
GOODBYE Copyright 2004 MI Zucker, MD