EERP service portal -design guidance- Copyright © 2008 Beijing eBridgeChina Ltd Andy Lee Chief Scientist Beijing eBridge China Ltd.
Introduction Beijing eBridgeChina is the key government contractor for the development of EERP application and toolkits. Beijing eBridgeChina was founded in 2006 by spinning off the telecom service group of China Academy of Sciences, eCommerce R&D research center, and is currently the government recognized hightech company and certified software development company; Beijing eBridgeChina’s subsidiary, ChengDu ChinaTech Future Ltd. developed China Unicom’s NGN operation and support system that is a typical telecom level VOIP service management and billing platform. The system has been used since 2005; ChengDu ChinaTech Future Ltd. developed China Unicom mobile commerce platform that enable the national #3 telecom operator to service over 1.2m SME with mobile data services. The system was put in use since Beijing eBridgeChina Ltd. developed China Netcom EERP based chemical eCommerce service portal that support the national #4 telecom operator to provide EERP function to its 200,0000 SME in the chemical industry. The portal was in use since December Currently Beijing eBridgeChina is working with China Unicom to introduce EERP to its SME customers in the farm product distribution service industry.
Content 1. Development Background 2. Development Strategy 3. System introduction 4. Development guideline 5. Technology consideration 6. Key functions 7. System operation summary
Development Background Under the globalization, enterprises have to look into their external resources such as suppliers, distributors, logistic service providers, and so on. How to design a optimized business process to lower the overall cost of those external resources is a major challenge for today’s SME. How SME can lookup, identify and select service providers, business partners becomes increasingly important as the companies become more dependent on each other. Business executives often make decision based on qualitative information that can capture the business services’ quality profiles. The data level and application level analysis are usually a operational stage requirement. IT and Cost Balance?
Where are users? Development Background Look for the right service providers and right products Choose those that can best help to achieve companies’ business objectives Where are SP and services?
Development Background EERP portal accommodates those requirements and help users to design, evaluate and optimize business process based on EERP. Bridging the service consumers and providers. Accessing service providers via Internet
Development Strategy Service Mgmt. And operation platform OSS Billing EERP + 3rd party Service Control & Integration platform + Mgmt. of SME business Value chain community EERP 1.0 EERP 2.0 EERP 3.0
System introduction Based on SOA design methodology, can accommodate unlimited 3rd party service vendors to publish, manage and promote their services directly to the users of the EERP portal. All the functions are provided in the form of SaaS The data communication between platform and services (e.g. user registration information, AAA function, service activation, service QOS, service SLA, service rating, service billing and so on) is in SOAP.
System introduction Support complete service billing, income auditing and relevant process, ensure the interests of service providers and users protected. Establish the reputation rating system for service providers and users, help providers and consumers to assess the risk of business transaction.
System introduction EERP service to attract both service providers and consumers, and virally establish the business community subject to the common business objectives. Service registration and composition Service QoS, SLA, Rating monitor and evaluation Form database of EERPed business processes, and business community that supports EERP.
Development guidelines 1. GSSP sub-system: General SaaS Support Platform. This subsystem registers, manages, and activates a service, and seamlessly interface with the EERP subsystem. The operation supports for the service providers are also included so that Service Providers can participate the business process, and interact with end users.
Development guidelines 2.Third party service support subsystem provide user management, service management, billing process management, CRM, service provider management, service statistics, access control management, daily service log and so on.
Development guidelines 3.EERP subsystem SP lookup and search. Business process construction. Service QoS registration and really time monitor. Service SLA registration and really time monitor. Service Rating registration and really time monitor. Business process optimization modeling
Development guidelines 4.Billing and operation support subsystem SP billing mode selection SP billing parameter registration, modification and update Promotion support Service invoice collection and process User billing SP revenue calculation
Development guidelines 5.Data communication subsystem SSO support Really Service integration and activation, service state really time tracking and publishing SP really time interaction with users
Technology considerations 1. Technology environment XML data standard SOA design methodology Support Web Service and J2EE Emphasis on the extensibility and future upgrade
Technology considerations 2. Development environment 5 tier architecture (application, business, service, data, and network access); Selection of Java as development language for platform neutral; Selection of Spring for business layer; Selection of hibernate for data management; Selection of Ajax for interface development
Technology considerations 3. System software selection WebLogic middleware Oracle database
Technology considerations Security data encryption,user identification, data backup policy and so on; Stability fault tolerance, software self optimization, and cluster support; Performance cache technology, and access scalability management
Key Functions Service integration Application platform Service containers EERP Service integration and management system SOA GSSP S a a S mgmt S a a S int. SOA platform Data collection Service management Client side support User mgmt CRM mgmtDaily log mgmt Billing system Service mgmt. Access control Statistic report Inventory Mgmt, ….. Service Reputation mgmt Status report QoSSLARating EERP
Key functions Structured with 4 layers OSS layer Operation system support SaaS integration layer SaaS SP registration and service activation SaaS management layer User, billing, CRM, and sales management supports EERP layer Service and business process monitor and optimization based on the QoS, SLA and Rating.
Key functions GSSP subsystem Service integration and management SOA platform Data collection Service interface SOA integ. framework Basic module Int. list mod Java/WSDL int. Reg. module CA module Data access int. Integration mod Data collection Int Client side Data access Service access Native servicesS Service registration Service detection 。 Data access int. Data collection mod. Service detection
Key functions SaaS subsytem SaaS Mgmt subsystem Access control Acct. auth. Daily blog Auth cancellation Log mgmt User mgmt User reg. Billing support Acct cancellation Billing mgmt Service mgmt SP mgmt CRM module service catalog Status report Stat. mgmt Password mgmt Acct. info. mgmt Acct activation Acct. login Service cancellation Service reg./de-reg Service subscription. Service access Billing mode setup Pricing rate setup Info check Customer service Online service Registration Pricing
Key functions EERP subsystem EERP subsytem Business QoS Business SLA Service Rating
System operation summary Stability No major problem for the 2 year continuous operation. Rich functions Support multiple industry verticals Sufficient support to SP Satisfy the SP’s needs for Operation Support. Viral participation Quick formation of business community and participation of SP. Simple to user China Unicom uses it for farm product distribution.
EERP challenge: Services Process EERP Service granularity, Service business QoS, Service composition, Service SLA, Service Rating, …. Process QoS, Process SLA, Service Routing, Process fault tolerance, Intelligence branching, ….. QoS integration model, SLA Integration model, Rating integration model, Optimization Model, ….. OASIS EERP TC
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