China Scientific Data Sharing Project International Workshop on Strategies for Preservation of and Open Access to Scientific Data, June 22-24, 2004, Beijing Xian-En ZHANG Working Group, China-Scientific Data Sharing Project Basic Research Department, Ministry of Science & Technology
General Considerations and ObjectivesGeneral Considerations and Objectives Framework and ArchitectureFramework and Architecture Major TasksMajor Tasks Program Work PlanProgram Work Plan Current Status and ProgressCurrent Status and Progress China-SDSPChina-SDSP
China-SDSP should be developed under comprehensive planning on the national level.China-SDSP should be developed under comprehensive planning on the national level. It should collect and re-organize all possible data from government agencies, institutes, programs, and individual investigators while making full use of international scientific data resources through cooperation.It should collect and re-organize all possible data from government agencies, institutes, programs, and individual investigators while making full use of international scientific data resources through cooperation. China-SDSP should make all these data accessible to all interested users at an affordable cost, or free if possible.China-SDSP should make all these data accessible to all interested users at an affordable cost, or free if possible. China-SDSP is to form a multi-tiled, distributed scientific data sharing system that bridges the gaps between different agencies, institutes, and geographical regions.China-SDSP is to form a multi-tiled, distributed scientific data sharing system that bridges the gaps between different agencies, institutes, and geographical regions.
2020 Goals: To form a scientific data management and sharing system that is more user-friendly;To form a scientific data management and sharing system that is more user-friendly; To develop a set of supportive laws, policies, and standards;To develop a set of supportive laws, policies, and standards; To form a professional service group by establishing a career reward mechanism.To form a professional service group by establishing a career reward mechanism. Eighty percent of scientific data funded by the government will be made available to general public.Eighty percent of scientific data funded by the government will be made available to general public.
Framework and Architecture 1. Logical Framework of CSDSP CSDSP is a three-tiled system: master databases, scientific data centers or networks, and Gateway Web site 2. Scope of Data Sharing Supported by China-SDSP China-SDSP also functions as a catalyst. Its original purpose is to integrate publicly funded data resources, but its long-term goal is to leverage all possible data resources from government to the private sectors, and make them available to the general public. 3. Service Architecture of China-SDSP China-SDSP may provide services in various ways: facilitating the consistent management of distributed databases; providing a content service and data service, as well as other services mentioned.
Agriculture Population and Health Basic and Frontier Sciences Engineering and Technology Regional Development Meteorological Scientific Data Center Rural Development Sci Data Center Agricultural Scientific Data Center Basic Medicine Scientific Data Center Rural Development Sci Data Center Population Control Sci Data Center Earth System Scientific Data Center Space Environment Sci Data Center ……………………………………………… About 300 Master Databases In 40 Data Centers Disciplines Data Center / Networks Master Database Disciplines Data Center / Networks Master Database Data Users Architecture and Framework of China SDSP
Scientific Data Sharing Submission from Agencies and Institutes Exchange Data with other Countries Submission from Major National Program Data Dissemination Data Integration / Submission Data Generator Scientific Research & Technology Development Sector Observation, Monitoring Survey and Evaluation Statistics Sector Scope of Scientific Data Sharing Project
Extented Service Submitting Archiving Updating Classes of Scientific Data Service DATA Management CONTENT Service DATA Service Searching Browering Searching Browering Downloading Data Mining Subject Serving Forum …. ……. Fig 3. Service Functionality of China Scientific Data Sharing Program
1.Architectural Development of Data Management and Sharing System 2. Resource Development for Scientific Data 3. Standardization 4. Law and Policy Major Tasks of China SDSP
1 Gateway Site 40 Data Centers /Networks 300 Master Databases Architectural Development of Data Management and Sharing System
Resource Development for Scientific Data The major tasks are to re-edify existing data resources ; safeguard endangered scientific data and records; develop the master database for large research programs funded by the government; introduce international data resources based on their scientific values, quality, and usability ; integrate multi-source data; and conduct value-added research.
Standardization is the prerequisite for scientific data sharing in the digital era. There are two kinds of standards: platform technical standards and data sharing standards. The former is based on data platforms, and the latter is based on the scientific data sharing framework. The basic and common data sharing standard will be considered first. The data standard in major application areas will also be on the list of priorities. Standardization
Specifically, the following should be conducted first: Policy: Establishment and implementation of Implementation Guidelines of Scientific Data Sharing Program, Implementation Guidelines of Scientific Data Sharing Program, Data Submission Guidelines of Major Science and Technology Program Data Submission Guidelines of Major Science and Technology Program Funded by Government Funded by Government Guideline of Scientific and Technological Data Classification for Data Sharing Guideline of Scientific and Technological Data Classification for Data Sharing Management Guidelines of China Scientific Data Sharing Program Management Guidelines of China Scientific Data Sharing Program Performance Evaluation (Merit Appraisal) of Scientific Data Sharing Performance Evaluation (Merit Appraisal) of Scientific Data Sharing Law: Legislation and Amendment of Science and Technology Advancement Act Science and Technology Advancement Act Copy Right Act Copy Right Act National Security Act National Security ActOthers Be proactively involved in the on-going legislation of “Policy on Access to Be proactively involved in the on-going legislation of “Policy on Access to Government Information”. Government Information”. Promote the issuing of “Policy on National Scientific and Technological Promote the issuing of “Policy on National Scientific and Technological Resources Sharing”. Resources Sharing”. Law and Policy
Experimental period: Overall planning and design; Legislation planning: start research on law and policy framework; Making and issuing relevant policy and regulation; Technology and standards; Establishing data centers (networks) and kicking off the data sharing pilot project; Identifying the optical mechanism for existing data consolidation and sharing; Launching of program gateway: select 25 data centers for data sharing pilot project, select other candidate centers for further development; Sum up experiences from various aspects of the experimental period, and prepare a feasibility report to facilitate the overall implementation of public good data sharing in next period. Working Plan
Overall Implementation Period: Continue the establishment of data sharing technology, policy and law; Extend the program coverage of scientific data centers or networks and make them operational; Gradually improve technology and standards Enforce the cooperation among data centers in different research area; Enhance the capacity to develop high-level data product and quality; Working Plan
After each yearly performance evaluation of the 25 pilot data centers or networks, the qualified ones will be included in the “National Scientific Data Master Network” and will start regular operation; the amount invested in each center depends on their merits and performance. Another data centers will be built, including 200 new master databases. By 2010, a mechanism is going to be established, through which data are submitted from various governmental agencies and programs and delivered to potential users efficiently.
Current Status and Progress of China SDSP General Planning and Design (Draft) FinishedGeneral Planning and Design (Draft) Finished Pilot Projects for Data SharingPilot Projects for Data Sharing Law, Policy, and StandardLaw, Policy, and Standard
In June 2003 , a Coordinating Group and a Scientific Group were established for scientific data sharing. The main task of these groups was to develop the “Planning of China Scientific Data Sharing Program” (China-SDSP) by May There are six major components to China-SDSP: current status and major national requirement; overall considerations; principle and objectives; strategic arrangement and tasks; implementation and measurements; supporting conditions and facilities 。 General Planning and Design (Draft) Finished
In 2001, the meterological data sharing project was launched, which heralded the start of the scientific data sharing program in China. By the end of 2002 , another 5 data centers and 3 networks had joined the pilot project: Pilot Projects for Data Sharing 1.Survey data center 2.Hydrolgy and Water Resources data center 3.Seismetic data center 4.Forestry data center 5.Agriculture data center 6.Earth System Science data center network 7.Modern Agricultural Technology and Rural Development network 8.Sustainable Development network
Law, Policy, and Standard In terms of policy-making, a working group for data sharing has been established and investigated the current status and trend of data policy both home and abroad, compiled relevant materials and information ; Established the ”Guidelines of Data Submission from Major National Programs” and its interpretation ; began researching the framework of relevant law and policy; and finished the conceptual design for data classification for sharing.
In general, China Scientific Data Sharing Program is still in the phase of overall planning, accumulating the experiences of technology and policy making, as well as overseeing pilot data sharing projects.
Acknowledgement Many who involved the project SUN Shu HUANG Dingcheng SUN JiuLin LUI Chuang XIAO Yun YIN Ling CHEN Jun TENG Mianzhen ZHOU Wenneng Paul Uhlir JD Peter Weiss JD