Technology Integration Day Featured Lessons: ArtArt, English, & Health lessons by Kristine RobenoltEnglishHealth Foreign Language Foreign Language & Music lessons by Joe WalderMusic HistoryHistory & Physical Education lessons by Bill ButterfieldPhysical Education MathematicsMathematics & Science lessons by Lauren DavidsonScience
Summative Chart of Technological Integrations Content Area Curriculum Standard TechnologyDescriptionSupporting Resource T & T / N & I Art Benchmark B:Online gallery visitsViewing artwork from the Harlem Renaissance to understand culture Research article found in The Educational Forum T & T- Students are familiar with using the internet, but different resources will be used. Language Arts Research EWebsite creationResearching controversial topics and creating a website of findings National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) at N & I Foreign Language Health National Life Science Standard Website searchesViewing sign language skillsUsing Sign Language in Your Classroom T & T- Students are familiar with using computers for locating information Mathematics Music Physical Education N / ADigital Video RecordingImproving athletic performance through video analysis. “Digital Video Production in Physical Education and Athletics” “Digital Video Production in Physical Education and Athletics” by Ray Martinez N & I Science History History 2 C History 8 C History 10 Games & SimulationsEngaging in historically based situations to increase comprehension and understanding. “Using Games and Simulations for Supporting Learning” by Sara I de Freitas N & I
Georgia O’Keeffe 8 th grade Visual Arts Standard Benchmark B Students will visit online art galleries to view the artist’s work Visit the National Gallery of Art bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person= bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person= Visit InfOhio and search The Art Collection for works and descriptions
Project Students will create a pastel drawing in the style of Georgia O’Keeffe Style details can be found at Feb2002.htmlhttp:// Feb2002.html
Research Students will research a controversial topic by gathering undisputed facts, pro arguments, con arguments, and resources. Students will use the Internet for research 8 th grade Research Standard E5
Website Creation Research will be organized and placed on a website having a separate page for each area of research (anchor page with research question, undisputed facts, pro arguments, con arguments, resources, and researcher’s opinion) Worksheets, rubrics and directions will be given throughout the process. Full details and worksheets can be found at 907f84c f84c
Foreign Language
American Sign Language This lesson addresses the following national standards: Life Science: Regulation and behavior; Diversity and adaptations of organisms Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Populations, resources, and environments Students will visit the following websites: Facts and tips about fingerspelling ASL signs for the numbers html html American Sign Language Words
American Sign Language continued Students will learn 10 words in a given topic such as “Around Town” Students will create a short skit, poem or song incorporating their 10 words Lesson plan details can be found at friend
The Jamestown Online Adventure 8 th Grade history standard 2C Free internet history simulation on England’s first colony!England’s first colony! One day lesson activity Look for others at for others at
The Oregon Trail! 8 th Grade history standard 8C Teacher resource guides PC & Mac versions available 3-4 day activity
American Civil War: Gettysburg 8 th Grade history standard 10 Free trial download 3-4 day activity
New and Innovative Computer games and simulations within the educational setting have not been fully embraced yet by the vast majority of schools Economic cost factors of computer labs and software licensing Exciting and fun way to learn history and related social studies skills
Physical Education
Digital Video Recording
Still Frame Analysis “Was the team ready defensively for the pitch if it was hit?” “Were they ready to fire off the line?”
Slow Motion Analysis “Did he defend his man legally using proper technique?” “Did he kick the ball with proper technique?”
Video Review “Who didn’t box out the shooter?” “How do they run in transition?”
“Digital Video Production in Physical Education and Athletics” By Ray Martinez, 2001 Questions to ponder: ▫What do you want to get out of your video? ▫What video resources do you have available? ▫Will you be editing the video?
Bibliography Gullatt, D. E. (2007, Spring). Research links the arts with student academic gains. The Educational Forum, 71(3), Retrieved November 17, 2007, from ERIC database: International Society for Technology in Education. (2007). National educational technology standards for students: the next generation. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from Lawrence, C. D. (2001, April 19). Using sign language in your classroom.(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED459557) Retrieved November 17, 2007, from ERIC database: Paper presented at the Annual Convention and Expo of the Council for Exceptional Children(80th, Kansas City, MO, April 18-21, 2001). 12p.