EuropeAid Working Group 3 Needs table (updated on the basis of meeting 14th October 2010) Brussels, October 24th,
EuropeAid 2 (1) Support long- term processes & strengthen the sustainability of interventions and organisations (i) Programme funding Multi-annual strategic partnership agreements with CSOs with proven operational and financial capacities in order to reach common long-term policy objectives, with built-in flexibility. (ii) Calls for proposals with multiple funding phases Calls for proposals that allow funding over longer time periods provided good progress of projects, i.e. continued funding is dependent on delivery of positive results. (iii) Follow-up grants Can be awarded through built-in provision in calls for proposals (reserved financial envelope) or follow-up calls specifically for organisations with successful, on-going projects. (2) Support interventions of third countries grass-roots & community-based organisations (i) Re-granting/block grants A larger sum of low value grants is given for distribution to intermediary organisations according to a specific set of criteria tbc (selected e.g. through a call for proposals). (ii) Financing in full under exceptional circumstances according to a set of specific criteria (100% of eligible costs covered by grant) and/or recognition of in-kind contributions (iii) Ringfencing of funds – reserve a share of the funding for these organisations without competition with different actors
EuropeAid 3 (3) Support institutional development and capacity-building of CSOs (i) Core funding Beneficiaries receive funding to cover running costs, develop strategic plan, cover training needs, etc. i.e. any improvements & sustainability to the organisation (over extended periods of time). (ii) Calls for proposals Specific and simplified calls to support capacity building of CSOs, or built-in component for capacity building in generic calls (iii) Specific Support to platform and networks (4a) Support networking & coalition building among CSOs (including global campaigns South-South and North-South partnerships) (4b) Multi-actor approaches to development (i) Core funding for networks/platforms/etc. (ii) Regranting/ Block grants managed by networks, platforms, coalitions, etc. (iii) Calls for proposals Specific calls to support coalition building of CSOs or built-in component for networking in more generic calls.
EuropeAid 4 (5) Enhance the actor- based dimension of CSO support and allow for targeted funding (on the basis of the specificities of actors in their own contexts). Pre requisite: enhance information sharing & access to information (i)Targeted Calls for proposals Specific calls designed on the basis of the nature of the targeted actors (ii) Programme funding with specific set of criteria to reach specific group targeted (iii) Core funding with specific set of criteria to reach specific group targeted + See mechanisms suggested to support grass-roots and networks. (6) Support role of CSOs in political dialogue & monitoring of government and donor policies and practices. (7) Increase awareness & engagement of European citizens for development (i)Core funding (ii) Programme funding (iii) Re granting (iv) Pool funding Donors put together their grant funding envelopes and decide jointly on the distribution of available funds. (i) Ringfencing of funds Reserve a share of the funding for specific actions on development education (ii) Calls for proposals (iii) Regranting / blockgrants
EuropeAid 5 (8) Provide effective support to local authorities and decentralisation efforts (i)Decentralised sector budget support for local authorities (& their municipal development plans) having met a set of administrative management requirements (ii) Programme funding Multi-annual partnership agreements with LAs, on the basis of territorial planning exercises. (iii)Direct support to LAs Pre-condition: there should be a needs & capacities assessment in the form of a mapping agreed by all stakeholders) (iv)Calls designed and launched exclusively for local authorities To be adapted to the particular characteristics of local authorities (v)Decentralised cooperation mechanisms - see Need 11 (vi) Other mechanisms Support to Community-based initiatives ; Pilot projects scheme to support “less prepared” LA
EuropeAid 6 (9) Enhance territorial approaches to development & local governance (i)Decentralised sector budget support for local authorities (& their municipal development plans) Having met a set of administrative management requirements (i)Sector Wide Approaches on Local Governance under geographical programmes (iii) Calls designed and launched exclusively for local authorities and CSO operating in the framework of a territorial approach to development. (iv) Programme funding Flexible partnership schemes to support LAs & CSOs, particularly their joint initiatives, duly prioritised in the territory on the basis of local planning exercises/mapping exercises of needs and capacities (v) Decentralised cooperation mechanisms Twinning efforts, etc. – see Need 11
EuropeAid 7 (10) Support service delivery in partner countries (filling gaps, when needed; support to innovative approaches) - in respect of LAs & CSOs own mandates & roles. (i) Programme funding Flexible partnership agreements with LAs and CSOs in order to reach common long-term development objectives. Possibility to fund joint initiatives (CSO&LA) duly prioritised in the territory by LAs on the basis of locally managed planning and mapping exercises of needs & capacities (ii) Calls for tender Competitive mechanism to select service providers (needs to be carefully analysed when applied to LA) (iii) Project funding (awarded through CfP) open to local CSOs and European LAs and CSOs in sectors & targets where local LAs do not have sufficient capacity. Projects need to be rooted in the territory. (iv) New fast track technical assistance selection and implementation mechanism. On the basis of a mapping of needs & capacities local authorities could select from a set of concrete (in terms of sectoral and geographical scope) cooperation options to be proposed by European local authorities and to be delivered fast in line with predefined contribution arrangements.
EuropeAid 8 (11) Support decentralised cooperation efforts by LAs (twinning efforts between Northern and Southern LAs, LA networks, etc) To support needs 9 and 10 (i)Twinning & exchange of experiences support programmes (between Northern & Southern LAs) (ii) Core funding for Northern & Southern LA networks (iii) Calls designed and launched exclusively for LA networking efforts (12) Increase harmonisation & cost-effectiveness of aid delivery (i)Pool funding & trust funds Donors put together their grant funding envelopes and decide jointly on the distribution of available funds, delivered on commonly agreed guidelines. (ii) Harmonization of procedures (selection procedures, reporting, etc) (also with grantees) (iii) Flexible funding mechanism in fragile states