Americans continue to settle in the Northwest Territory against the protests of the American Indian tribes living in the area. Little Turtle goes to war against U.S. Forces and wins, but when he cannot obtain help from his British allies, he stops fighting. He also suggests that all tribe stop fighting. U.S. forces defeat the American Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The war soon ended after this battle. The Treaty of Greenville gave access to American Indian land and the safety of citizens living there. The American Indians received $20,000 worth of goods and a treaty to the rest of the land they held.
Hamilton proposes a tax on American made whiskey. Farmers used whiskey as an alternative method of delivering their crop of rye for trading purposes. The tax affected small batch makers. Farmers in the west protested against the tax and refused to pay it. Hamilton convinced Washington that the rebellion needed to be put down and helped assemble a large militia group to march to Pittsburg to quell the rebellion. A uneasy compromise was reached and some of the rebels were put on trial, but never convicted.