WebQuest Assignment – American Sign Language Alphabet Karilin Chubb EDU Preparing Teachers to use Technology Nevada State College 01/28/2014 Grade Level 2
Introduction In this lesson, students will learn the letters of the alphabet using American Sign Language (ASL). ASL has been around since the late 1700’s. ASL relies on hand movements, body language, and facial expression to relay meaning.
Task Students will search different websites to learn the alphabet in sign language. Students will learn how to spell out their whole name using the ASL hand shapes. Students will create a presentation to the class introducing their name by using sign language.
Process Go to the following website and learn how to form the different letters of the alphabet using ASL. Use this website to see how to form the letters in motion. Use these websites to test your alphabet skills with fun games. wf wf Use this website to practice spelling your name at a faster speed. Present your finger spelled name to the class.
Evaluation 3 Points2 Points1 point ASL AlphabetStudent is able to recall 10+ letters from the ASL alphabet Student is able to recall 5-10 letters from the ASL alphabet Student can recall less than 5 letters from the ASL alphabet Spelling your name Student is able to spell his/her name without any errors Student is able to spell his/her name with only minimum errors Student has difficulty spelling his/her name without errors.
Conclusion Whole class discussion: What did we learn about ASL? What kind of experience did we have when learning to finger spell? What more would you like to learn about ASL?