Mobile Medical information For The Deaf Student: S Dayile Supervisor: Prof I Venter Co-Supervisor: Prof WD Tucker
Contents Introduction User Requirements Requirements Analysis Tools Project Plan
Introduction A mobile medical information for the Deaf is the system that will provide information to a Deaf person about medical illness. Medical system will Provide information on hypertension and HIV/AIDS Information will be captured in text then will be translated into sign language using video footage Deaf with a capital D
User requirements User wants : Communicate with a doctor or pharmacist Access to illness information Recorded Sign Language video Medical Dictionary A system that is user friendly and easy to learn
Requirements Analysis Receive information in recorded sign language video Use full screen on phone Covert speech to sign language
Tools Apache,MySQL,PHP Android SDK and Java NetBeans
Project Plan TermGoalFinishing 1Requirements and analysis Research possible projects Identify users to interview User requirements gathering URD document Literature review analysing user requirements RAD document Literature review Create website Complete documentation Presentation 2nd April 2Design and Development User interface design how the user interface looks like How the user interface will behave End of term 2 3ImplementationEnd of term 3 4 Test and Debug End of term 4
References Ann Folkins, G. R. (2005). Improvieng The Deaf Community 's access to prostate and testicular cancer. BMC Public Health. April L. Winningham, D. &. (2003). Deaf and Hard of Hearing: HIV Prevention Needs. Collin-thome, D. (2008). Why do you keep missing me. Britain: Sign Health. Dr T Macnair, D. R. (2013). health. (BCC) Retrieved from Deaf and hearing problem: fness1.shtml#aids_to_communication Fabio Buttussi, L. C. (2010). Using Mobile Devices to Support Communication between Kotze, N. (2012, 09 18). Look Local. Retrieved from Look local website: