Computer Animation - Lecture 1 1 Lecture 1 : SMM4302 Computer Animation Lecturer: Haw Su Cheng Website :
2 Subject Outline u Title –Computer Animation (Animasi Komputer) u Code –SMM4302 u Objective –apply the concepts of computer animation, effective graphic design and animation techniques in preparing multimedia products. –create a basic multimedia systems with two dimensional and three dimensional graphics and animation.
3 Subject Outline u Pre-requisite –Computer Graphics u Credit Hours –3 u Lecture Hours –1 x 2 hours per week –1 x 1 hour per week u Semester Offered –Semester I 2007/2008
4 Subject Outline u Assessment – –Coursework 60% n n 20% Test 1 - 7/8/07 8-9pm n n 20% Test 2 –18/9/07 8-9pm n n 20% Assignments – –Final Examination 40% – –Total 100%
5 Subject Outline u Software (Project) – –OpenGL – –3D studio Max – –Maya
6 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Animation –Definition of computer animation –underlying principles of traditional animation –Difference between computer animation and traditional animation
7 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 2 Software for Computer Animation –OpenGL –Interactivity –3D studio Max
8 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 3 Simple Animation –Translation, Scaling, Rotation –Double buffering –Illumination Models –Raster methods for computer animation
9 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 4 Animation of Articulated Figures n Forward Kinematics n Inverse Kinematics
10 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 5 Motion Capture –Basic Concepts of motion capture –Software and hardware –Planning and Executing Morphing –Blending –Image composition
11 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 6 Animation of Particle Systems –Physics involves –Cloth Animation –Explosion effects –Fluid and solid Animation
12 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 7 Physically Based Animation n Procedural Animation n Representational Animation n Stochastic Animation n Behavioural Animation –Physics involves –Simulation Techniques
13 Lecture Schedule u Chapter 8 Algorithm Animation –Basic Concepts n Appeal n Anticipate n Exaggeration n Timing n etc –Examples
14 Text & References u Text Book: Vince, J D Computer Animation. New York: Addison-Wesley. u Reference Books: –Hill FS, Computer Graphics-using OpenGL. Prentice-Hall. –Hearn D, Baker MP, Computer Graphics with OpenGL. Pearson Prentice-Hall. –Woo M., Neider J, Davis T., Shreiner D OpenGL Programming Guide. Addison Wesley.