Conquer the Comma Modified from A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab Continuing to...


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Presentation transcript:

Conquer the Comma Modified from A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab Continuing to...

the Dependent Clause the Subordinate Clause also known as

Dependent/Subordinate Clause... contains a subject and verb, but the clause cannot stand independently

Dependent/Subordinate Clause... a clause is different from a phrase a clause has a subject & a verb but there’s a word added to it that makes it not a sentence, so that’s why it’s a clause so now we have to quit defining sentences as only having subjects and verbs; it’s a sentence if it has that AND can stand alone—that’s why it is called an independent clause

Dependent/Subordinate Clause... can often be identified by clause markers

Some Common Clause Markers after 1 before 1 in order thatso thatwhat 7 althoughby the timein the event thatthanwhen 7 as 2 even ifjust in casethat 5 whenever as ifeven thoughnow thatthe first time thatwhere 7 as long asevery timeonce 4 though 4 whereas as thoughifonly iftillwhether or not as soon asif onlyrather thanunlesswhile because 3 in casesince 1 until 6 why 7 1.These can also be used as a preposition or an adverb. 2.As can function as an adverb. Like and as are often confused. Like is never a conjunction; it most often a verb or a preposition. 3.Because of is a preposition. 4.These words can also be simple adverbs. 5.That can function as a demonstrative adjective or demonstrative pronoun. When used as a subordinating conjunction, it is often omitted. Example: I know that she is here. 6.These words can function as simple prepositions. 7.These words can function as interrogative pronouns to form a question.

Purpose Dependent clauses help to clarify & add detail to independent clauses.

may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence Dependent/Subordinate Clause...

Dependent Clause at the beginning of a sentence place a comma between the dependent clause & the independent clause in other words, AFTER the intro clause

like this... When Elizabeth called 911, the firemen rushed to her rescue.

clause marker subject verb When Elizabeth called 911, the a subject verb firemen rushed to her rescue. after intro clause

Where would you place the comma in the following example? Since it was raining we decided to go to the movies.

AFTER the intro clause clause marker sub. verb sub. Since it was raining, we decided to go to the movies. verb

Once the movie began I fell asleep. Where would you place the comma in the following example?

AFTER the intro clause clause marker subject verb subject Once the movie began, I fell asleep. verb

Where would you place the comma in the following example? After the movie ended we went out for coffee.

clause marker subject verb subject After the movie ended, we went out for coffee. verb Here

Dependent Clause in the middle of a sentence use a comma before and after the clause Most 7 th graders do not write using this complex of a sentence, so if that happens, the teacher will work 1-on-1 with the student regarding that. Ironically, that underlined phrase is kind of an example of using it in the middle. It gets complicated with essential & nonessential clauses, relative clauses, etc., so just know the rules for clauses that start or end the sentences for now.

Dependent Clause at the end of the sentence do not use a comma

Dependent Clauses I went on the roller coaster because my brother dared me.

Dependent Clauses S V I went on the roller coaster because my brother dared me. S V DCM

But remember, if the clause is at the start the of sentence, use a comma. Because my brother dared me, I went on the roller coaster.

Dependent Clauses I became very sick when the roller coaster zoomed upside down.

Dependent Clauses SV I became very sick when the roller coaster zoomed SubjectVerb upside down. DCM

But remember, if the clause is at the start the of sentence, use a comma. When the roller coaster zoomed upside down, I became very sick.

The firemen rushed to her rescue when Elizabeth called 911. Why no comma?

The firemen rushed to her rescue when Elizabeth called 911. clause is at the end of sentence

Is this correctly punctuated? Why or why not? We went out for coffee after the movie ended.

Yes, it’s correct... Clause at end We went out for coffee after the movie ended.

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