Plan Introduction 1. External trade of France 2. Foreign enterprise activity in the country and customs system 3. The analysis of a condition of foreign trade of France 4. A place of France in the European goods turnover 5. Economy and the industry of France Сonclusion Application List of literature
INTRODUCTION France is included into the five of the advanced states of the world. On the sizes of territory and the population it belongs to number of the largest countries of Europe. France is on the fourth place after the USA, Japan, and Germany on volumes of gross national product, industrial production and a share in world trade and on the third - on scales of bank activity. On a share of France 17 % of industrial and 20 % of an agricultural production of the Western Europe are necessary.
The economy of France differs powerful industrial base and with well developed strategically important branches (avia rocket production, power, transport and communication, agro industrial sector). From mineral deposits stocks of coal, iron ore, bauxites, gas, uranium ores, potash salts are most considerable. The important place in a national economy is occupied with scientific researches and information service.
France takes the fifth place in universal import of the goods, the fourth place in the world (after the USA, Germany, Japan) on industrial output export. In Europe it is the basic exporter of articles of food. And in the world in this plan takes the second place after America. France exports grain, meat, milk, meat dairy products, and various grades of wines.
Export and Import
Chapter 1. External trade of France For last decade France managed to adapt successfully the foreign trade for new conditions, first of all in the European market. The economy of France became not less opened, than at its trading partners, having kept thus the share in the market. As a result now France occupies 4 place in the world on export of goods, conceding only the USA, Germany and Japan, and 3 - on export of services, passing forward only the USA and the Great Britain. In 2002 the share of foreign trade of France in gross national product has made 39,7 %, and an export quota - 20 %.
Important articles of export concern also the equipment for astronautics and the weapon. Thus France which does not have considerable stocks of hydro carbonic raw materials, is the pure importer of energy. For reduction of power dependence France pursued a policy, directed on the one hand on the control over energy consumption, with another - on development of nuclear power.
Chapter 2. Foreign enterprise activity in the country and customs system The customs legislation of France consists of the statutory acts accepted by competent state bodies, and international legal documents. As customs regulation assumes the state intervention in private business, main principles of the customs right should be established in the form of laws.
The central place among them occupies the Customs code of 1948 with the subsequent numerous amendments. Feature of the French right is restriction of legislative powers of parliament. The customs code (item 9) limits transfer of legislative powers of an executive power only concerning rates of duties for import of agricultural raw materials and the foodstuffs. Defining influence on development of the customs right of France renders participation of the country in the European communities (EU).
Сhapter 3 The analysis of a condition of foreign trade of France Dynamics of foreign trade of France in years had positive character. The increase in a turn of foreign trade was observed: on the average rate of a gain of a turn made 10,7 % to previous year (in 2005year rate of a gain in comparison with 2004 has made 7,1 %; in 2006 g-9,9 % in comparison with 2005; in 2007 of % in comparison with 2006; in ,6 % in comparison with 2007).
According to Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, the foreign trade turnover of France in 2008 year has made mln. US dollar also has increased in comparison with 2004 in cost expression by 50,0 %.
CHAPTER 4 A place of France in the European goods turnover France is now in the middle of transition from prosperous modern economy which has the big share of a state ownership and intervention to that which is necessary more on market mechanisms. The government partially or completely privatized many the large industrial and insurance companies and banks and has conceded shares in such leading companies as Air France, France Telecom, Reno, and Thales.
Chapter 5 Economy and the industry of France France is one of the leading countries of the western powers, taking the seventh place among all countries of the world - 4,7 % of cumulative gross national product at 1 % of the population. On the sizes of territory (551 thousand km) and the population (57 million people) It belongs to number of the largest countries of Europe
On level of economic development concedes to Germany and variety of the small countries (Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, to Luxembourg). On a share of France 17 % of industrial and 20 % of an agricultural production of the Western Europe are necessary.
CONCLUSION France - one of advanced countries of Western Europe, differs powerful industrial base with well developed strategically important branches. However, despite it, in the French economy there is a number of problems both internal, and external character. France has not avoided the Asian financial crisis and reduction of demand from the main European counterparts, having reacted on them with some log. It is necessary to consider internal problems - a nonflexible labor market, too large State expenditure, time exaggerated public sector.