Johannesen, Valde, & Whedbee
Arthur Sylvester, former Assistant Secretary… “Methods themselves must meet many ethical standards…
More than one-third of doctors surveyed nationwide admit deceiving insurance companies…
Our looks, our actions, and even our silence lie. Reports, promises, and even apologies lie…
Some legal words have a “built-in” vagueness...
People in separate culture and separate nations are concerned about different problems…
Since “truth is a print ethic, not a standard for ethical behavior…” The ad pictures an attractive female teenager looking very seductive straight at the young female reader. The written portion of the ad says…
Jacques Ellul, the noted French social and political analyst, has written..
We should tolerate, even seek out, divergent and controversial viewpoints to better assess what is being presented…
A European scholar of media ethics, Cees Hamelick…
For example, what would be the result for communication ethics: … Other, especially the Other who marginalized by society…
Steven Best and Douglas Kellner, two scholars of postmodernism…
Human beings…are not some variety of sponge, soaking up whatever… In other words, if we have the technological capacity to do something, we should go ahead and do it. Dehumanization is one concern…
Fair and equal opportunity to utilize Internet resources… Rubin calls these characteristics the “Seven Temptations” (Read 1-7) In The Weblog Handbook, Rebecca Blood contends… (1-9)