Independent work task Create a new folder in your ICT folder called Weather. Log on to the school network Click on the RED LytchettFile intranet logo Instructions: Follow this route ICT - Year 8 – Unit 8.3 – Public Information Systems – Lesson 1Next: Save the document ‘Worksheet 1’ and open it. Finally: Complete the task. 10 minute starter
Today we will learn to: Describe the use of sensorsDescribe the use of sensors Interpret data from a data loggerInterpret data from a data logger Use graphing softwareUse graphing software I am looking for students who can: Create a line chart of the sound readings in the Excel fileCreate a line chart of the sound readings in the Excel file
A data logger was used to record the noise in a classroom. The data was put into a graph.
What does each part of the display show? A table showing the sound level at set intervals, every second. the sound in decibels (vertical Y axis) the time in seconds (horizontal X axis)
Try to interpret the data. what could have caused the peaks and troughs in the graph marked 1-4?
Limitations of the data The sound sensor and data logger have only collected the data. To understand what the data represents requires more knowledge. For the data to be more useful, the user needs to know more about the source of the data and the context in which they were collected.
Step through the Chart Wizard, asking pupils questions at each stage. Use the preview feature to discuss types of graph. Ask: Is this the sort of graph we want? What is wrong with this graph? Demonstration Slides
Select other types of graph and ask the same questions. Line graph with markers is almost correct but the line is too crowded. Line graph without markers creates the correct plot by plotting decibel readings over time.
Move through the next stage explaining that it provides a check on the correct set of data. Select Series in: Rows and discuss the effect this has on the graph. [Unable to create graph] Do not click Next. Move to the Series tab.
The formula is put in the space and the axis is now correct. In the Series tab. The Y axis is plotting from B2 to B602 which is correct. The X axis plot is not shown, but is starting at number 1. To ensure it starts at 0, click on the coloured box at the side of Category (X) axis labels. Highlight your data from A2 to A602 and press enter.
In Step 3 of the Chart Wizard, demonstrate the options available. Ask pupils to suggest alternatives for the various options. Ask pupils why labels are important. Point out that the labels appear on the thumbnail allowing a check to be made. This is useful if pupils are not secure in which axis is x and which y. Ask pupils why gridlines are useful. Discuss which ones to apply.
Ask pupils where to place the legend: preview and discuss. Ask pupils if a legend is necessary in this example. Discuss how useful data labels are. Preview the change and discuss.
Finally, demonstrate how to place the chart on a separate worksheet by selecting a new worksheet from the drop down menu. Explain that this is useful in this case because they are now going to annotate it and they will need to have the graph as large as possible.
The finished graph should look something like this. Demonstrate how to enlarge it. Discuss with pupils the scale of the axes. Ask if these are appropriate.
Once you have completed the chart on a new sheet demonstrate how to alter the axis scale by right clicking on the axis. Ask pupils which values they would wish to change and why.
Assessment Criteria Low Level 3: Create the chart and format the text High Level 3: Modify the X axis to make it clearer Level 4: Next lesson you will try to create a similar chart doing the above by yourself.
1. Clear Title
2. Clear labelled axes
3. Clear Background
4. Make your X axis start with O
5. Change the scale to intervals of 60
So what exactly have you achieved in this lesson? So what exactly have you achieved in this lesson? What are the benefits of using graphs and charts to present data? What are the benefits of using graphs and charts to present data? What are the disadvantages of using graphs and charts to present data? What are the disadvantages of using graphs and charts to present data?