Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC
In what city did the first sit-in by African Americans to peacefully protest occur? Greensboro, North Carolina
Which amendment granted citizenship, rights, and equal protection under the law to all people of all races? 14th
What organization was MLK, Jr., a founding member? Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Betty Friedan Who helped found the women’s rights movement and create the National Organization of Women to get equal rights for women?
What book played a role in changing attitudes about traditional gender roles in society? The Feminine Mystique
For whom was President Johnson trying to provide opportunities with his Great Society programs? Low-income citizens
Which government action is best known for increasing women’s participation in high school & college sports? Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act
Who was the first African American on a presidential cabinet? Robert Weaver
In what state were 3 civil rights workers murdered for trying to register African Americans to vote? Mississippi
2 members of the Nation of Islam Who assassinated Malcolm X?
King made his points using our Founding Documents. Why was the “I Have a Dream” speech so important to American civil rights history?
It inspired people to keep fighting and keep the movement strong. How did MLK, Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream” speech impact the civil rights movement?
Edgewood ISD v. Kirby What court case took money from rich schools to give to poor schools?
13th What amendment outlawed slavery?
More people supported the Civil Rights Act. What was the effect of the Birmingham Church Bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963?
Dolores Huerta Who was the civil rights activist who organized movements that would provide more rights for immigrant workers and still fights for women’s rights and environmental issues?
Medicare/Medicaid, Head Start, & Upward Bound What programs were part of the Great Society besides Job Corps?
Medgar Evers Who was the NAACP activist who was murdered in his own driveway after 2 previous attacks on his life?
James Meredith Who was the African American student who had to be escorted to classes by troops at the University of Mississippi?
26th What amendment lowered the voting age to 18? money to segregated schools discrimination in public businesses with government contracts discrimination in interstate trade businesses 4.allowed gov’t to register voters and enforce it What 4 rights are granted to people in the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Mahatma Gandhi Whose technique of using non-violent as a way for people to protest influenced Martin Luther King?
Orval Faubus Who was the govern of Arkansas who called in the National Guard to prevent integration of Little Rock High School in 1957?
Lester Maddox Who was the store restaurant owner who sold his restaurant to keep from having to serve African Americans and was later elected governor of Georgia ?
George Wallace Who was the governor of Alabama who tried to keep African American students out of the University of Alabama, but later changed his racist ways to gain votes from blacks?
spoiled with post-WWII prosperity, weak discipline, and TV showed them new cultures What caused the counter- culture or hippies?
Board of Regents v Bakke What court case outlawed discrimination and racial quotas in colleges?
Mendez v Westminster What court case decided it is illegal to segregate Mexican-American kids from other students without a state law requiring it?
Hernandez v Texas What Supreme Court case decided Mexican Americans and other races have equal protection under the 14 th Amendment, allowing Mexican Americans to be judged by some jurors of their own race?
Billy Graham Who was against segregation and communism, was a spiritual advisor to presidents, and bailed MLK out of jail and went of a revival tour with MLK?