ACMA Awards Company Name : Plant Location : Category : Large Excellence in Quality & Productivity
Index ( For office use only except page no. ) S.N.SectionPage No. Max. MarksActual Marks 1 Work Environment & Employee Involvement Customer Assessment100 3 Quality Performance Productivity Performance Cost Performance.100 Total 1000 For Administrative Queries: Mr. Jitender Rana – Mobile – Ms. Sakshi Karkamkar – Mobile – Mr. Binny Tomy - Mobile For Technical Queries: Mr. V K Sharma Mobile : Ms. Sapana Baravkar Mobile : ACMA Centre for Technology (ACT) Godrej Eternia-C, ‘B’ Wing, '10th Floor, Office No.- C, Old Mumbai Pune Highway Wakdewadi, Shivaji Nagar, Pune – , India.
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 3 Letter for Submission of Award application for Company letterhead details ( Logo, Address ) To, The Secretariat ( ACMA Awards ), ACMA Centre for Technology Office No. C,, 10th Floor, Godrej Eternia, ”B” Wing,Old Mumbai –Pune Highway, Wakdewadi, Shivaji Nagar Pune – , India We are pleased to submit the application for ACMA Award for Excellence in Quality & Productivity in Large category. All data submitted is duly verified and true to the best of our knowledge. With regards ( Name & Designation of the Plant CEO ) Group Company Name Turnover in INR Cr. For ACMA Awards Category( For ACMA Award Process Team ) Small Between INR 20 to 50 Cr Large Between INR 50 to 150 Cr. Not Applicable Large Criteria for Small and Large Category : Small Category- Company Group Annual Sales Turnover Between INR 20 to 50 Cr Large Category- Company Group Annual Sales Turnover Between INR 50 to 150 Cr
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 4 1.Name of the corporate group (if company is part of a corporate group): - ( Underline the plant for which application is sent ) Plant Address : 2. Name of the Chief executive of the corporate group- 3Chief Executive (Site) details : Name : Designation : Mobile : Land line with extension : Fax No. 4. Plant Head ( Next to Chief Executive (Site)) details : Name : Designation : Mobile : Land line with extension : Fax No. ( If Sr. No. 3 & 4 are same, then provide next level person details at Sr. No. 4 ) Company’s Details
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 5 Company’s Details 5.Company turnover ( in Rs. Crore ) for Year : 6.Plant turnover ( in Rs, Crore ) for Year : 7.Year of Establishment : Company _______, Plant ___________ 8.Total Employees : Company ___________, Plant _____________ 9. Do you have a Joint Venture : ( If Yes, Mention the partner name ) 10. Company’s Key products : 11. Plant’s Key products : 12.Plant’s key manufacturing processes : 13.Plant’s Key competitors : 14. Plant’s Major Certifications :
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 6 As a part of ACMA Award process, feedback from your major customers will be opted directly and will be provided to Jury as a part of Site diagnosis. The same will be provided to you as a part of Site diagnosis feedback report Kindly provide 2 names per Key Customer for the plant for which application is sent Customer Details S. NoCustomerLocatio n % Business share ( from the plant ) Key person name & Designation Mobile Number & E mail 1 2 Note- In addition to application, site diagnosis, Customer feedback scores will be also considered for final scores.
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 7 Use this slide to brief about your company / Plant. It includes Product names / photos, Plant facility photographs, Company / Plant Information
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 8 Route Map to reach your plant Contact person name & Designation: Name : Designation : Mobile : Landline : ( STD Code ) ( Number ) : Ext. ( if any ) Provide here route map to your company for site diagnosis ( Site diagnosis is carried out if your application is shortlisted )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 9 S. N. AreaTotal Marks Actual Marks ( for Office Use only ) % 1 Work Environment & Employee Involvement Customer Assessment100 3Quality Performance.350 4Productivity Performance.300 5Cost Performance.100 Total1000 ( For office use only ) Company performance at a glance ( Following radar chart shows the scores for each main area as per questionnaire, scores are converted to % ) RADAR Chart
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 10 Section 1 Work Environment & Employee Involvement Total Marks = 150 S.N.Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 1.AWork Place Management45 1.B Suggestions / Kaizens Per Employee 20 1.CAbsenteeism10 1.DTraining10 1.ESmall Group Activities10 1.FSafety25 1.G Environment Management 30 TOTAL150 ( For office use only )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 11 (i) Specify status in below mentioned checklist for “Must be facilities” for all company employees ? Illustrate with photographs some examples (25) Must be facilities for all company employees Sr. No. DescriptionStatus 1 Jogging track inside shop floor, along walls OK / Not OK 2 Trees in plant campus OK / Not OK 3 No earth should be visible in entire company area. There should be concrete, tar roads or green lawns. OK / Not OK 4 No truck / fork-lift inside shop floor OK / Not OK 5 Clean toilet blocks inside shop floor, dry & smell free OK / Not OK 6 No nails to be used anywhere in the factory premises. OK / Not OK 7 All employees to wear uniform, shoes and necessary safety gadgets. OK / Not OK 8 Noise free DG sets & compressor OK / Not OK 9 Clean change room and rest room facilities OK / Not OK 10 Hygienic kitchen, washroom, dinning hall. OK / Not OK 11 Good recreational facilities OK / Not OK 12 Appropriate fire fighting equipments should be placed at accessible locations OK / Not OK 13 Central display board ( 80 % Digital ) OK / Not OK Photo 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (1.A) Work Place Management Total= 45
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 12 1.Leadership Focus (1.A) Work Place Management Total = 45 Formula 5 S Score = Lowest zone / area score of that month in % (ii) How do you practice 5s culture ( 5 ) (iii) How employees are motivated to follow 5s (5) (iv ) What is 5s target ? ( 5 ) (V) Provide 5s results with trends (5)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 13 1.Leadership Focus (1.A) Work Place Management Total = 45 Formula 5 S Score = Lowest zone / area score of that month in % (Vi) How you drive 5S in your Organization (making Zones, accountability, checklist, inclusion of all areas, trophy, audits, corrective actions, non conformity points closure, cross audits, negative marking for critical points, time allotted for m/c cleaning) (4) ( vii ) What you feel is your Best Practice in 5S (2) ( viii ) How the 5S Results are moving in last 3 years. How the Targets are set (are the targets modified, consistency in targets, improvements etc). Gap between Highest Zonal Score & Bottom lowest Score (2) ( ix ) What corrective actions are planned based on 5S results (2)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 14 (1.B) Suggestions / Kaizens Per Employee Total= 20 (i) Is there a suggestion scheme in the company and How company encourages employees to give suggestions? ? Pls Describe: (5) (ii) How company ensures the suggestions are implemented? Pls describe: (5) 1.Work Environment and employee engagement
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 15 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (1.B) Suggestions / Kaizens Per Employee Total= 20 (iv) ) Is there a forum (as well as escalation process) for employees to raise issues / concerns etc.--- shop floor / HR / personal etc. If yes, please elaborate.. (5) (iii) Trends of number of suggestions implemented / employee / month? (show last one year trend in line graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.). (5) Formula Total suggestions + Kaizen Implemented in that month Suggestions / Employee = X 100 Total direct employees ( Operatives ) for the month
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 16 (1.C) Absenteeism Total= 10 (i) Provide results on absenteeism,? What are the trends in regards to total absenteeism? (Three year trend in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) ( 5 ) Authorized = % Unauthorized = % Total = % (ii) What forums are available for employees to share grievances ? What efforts organization takes to reduce absenteeism? ( 5 ) 1.Work Environment and employee engagement Formula Total absent man-hours for the month ( Authorized + Unauthorized ) Absenteeism = X 100 Total man hours for the month
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 17 (1.D) TRAINING Total= 10 (i) Is training and development opportunities available ? ? List some benefits achieved by trainings in recent past. What is the trend of the training hours / employee over the years? (show last three year trend in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) ( 5 ) Training Areas : 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (ii) How training effectiveness is measured? Mention benefits of Training : Tangible ( in Rs. Lacs ) & Intangible : (Give details for TWO shining examples) : ( 5 ) Formula Total training man-hours for all employees for year Training hours/employee / year = Total employees
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 18 (1.E) Small Group Activities Total= 10 (i)Explain how company encourages small group activities : How do you promote small group activity culture ? How various SGs interact with each other ? ( 2 ) (ii) Do small group participate in the Quality Conventions-Group/State level/National. Show certificates / trophy photographs : ( 3 ) (iii) How many active groups are present in the current year? % employee involvement In QC Activity? (show last three year trend in bar graph. ( 5 ) 1.Work Environment and employee engagement No. of Active groups % Employees Involvement
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 19 (1.F) SAFETY Total= 25 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (i) How do you do incident investigation? Do you track near miss Incidences? Do you have system of Office staff's round in shop floor for observing Unsafe Acts / Conditions, How this system works?. Indicate the Top 3 Incident prone areas in your Factory and Preventive actions planned. (5) (ii) What you have learnt from others / shared with others on Safety. (5)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 20 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (1.F) SAFETY Total= 25 Formula No. of accidents Frequency rate = X 10 6 Total man hours Formula Total man-days lost Severity rate = X 10 6 Total man hours (iv) What are the current accident levels? (Show last one year data in line graph) (15) A) Frequency (nos.) Minor + Major both B) Severity (man hrs. lost)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 21 (1.G) Environment Management Total= 30 (i) What is the frequency of scarp disposal? (5) (Pl explain is it Daily / Weekly … ) (ii) Does company have resources conservation strategy? List some recent achievements of company to conserve resource -electricity, water, material, etc ? (10) 1.Work Environment and employee engagement
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 22 (iii) Please describe the practices of the company to reduce pollution? Do you measure Carbon Foot Print ? How do you measure it ? What is the score ? (10) (1.G) ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Total= 30 1.Work Environment and employee engagement (iv) Does the company have a do’s and don’ts policy for employees especially with regard to safety / quality / manufacturing practices / environment care etc? (5)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 23 Section 2 Customer Assessment Total Marks = 100 S.N.Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 2.AAwards by Key Customers15 2.B Customer audit of Quality system 20 2.C Customer rating for Quality & Delivery 35 2.D Feedback from Customer & analysis 30 TOTAL100 ( For office use only )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Customer Assessment (2.A) Customer Awards Total = 15 (i)How do you listen to customer ( 5 ) ( ii ) Awards by Key Customers (10) Award photo Note : If your Customer does not have a system of Awards, Mention what kind of supplier recognition is followed by Customer.
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Customer diagnosis (i) how do you ensure proactive corrective measures in future applications Does your key customers audit your quality system regularly? Has the audit results improved over the years? What is the trend over last three years? %, illustrate it with your internal Target line. (20) (2.B ) Customer audit of Quality system T otal= 20 Note : If your Customer does not have a audit system, Mention what kind of supplier audit system and scoring is followed by Customer.
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 26 (i) Does your key customers rate your performance on quality and delivery regularly? If yes, what is the trend over last three years?, illustrate it with your internal Target line. (20) (2.C ) Customer rating for Quality & Delivery Total= Customer diagnosis ( II ) How do you ensure proactive corrective measures in future applications ? Mention here major improvements done by your company to improve above performance : ( 15 )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 27 (i) How customer issues are communicated and actions are taken ? Please describe system of getting feedback from the customers? (10) (2.D ) Feedback from Customer & analysis T otal=30 2. Customer diagnosis (ii) How do you sensitise employees towards customer issues and how do you motivate them for faster response? how do you analyze this feedback and take actions in weak areas? Explain with two shining examples. (20)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 28 Section 3 Quality Performance Total Marks = 350 S.N.Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 3.ACustomer Complaints50 3.B In-House Rejection & Rework 90 3.CSupplier Rejection40 3.DWarranty Rejection50 3.ECost of Poor Quality30 3.FProcess Improvement40 3.GQuality Management50 TOTAL350 ( For office use only )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 29 (i) Please describe method of capturing customer complaints? (5) (ii) What is the trend of the customer complaints in nos? (Show last one year data in line graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) (20) (3.A) Customer Complaints Total= Quality Performance
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 30 (iii) Is the Customer complaint data analysis done? (E.g.—Product wise, Customer wise, Process wise, etc). Explain with an example. (5) (iv) Is analysis of repeated Customer complaints carried out? Explain with an example ? Provide key complaint management results [internal as well as external] (5) (3.A) Customer Complaints Total= Quality Performance
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 31 (v) Explain the efforts to reduce customer complaints? (10) (vi) Enclose examples of countermeasure report on Customer complaints. (5) (3.A) Customer Complaints Total= Quality Performance
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 32 (3.B) In-House Rejection & Rework Total= Quality Performance (ii) What are the trends of the Total in-house rejection in PPM ? (show last 3 year data in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) (20) (iii) Please describe the actions taken to reduce the in- house rejection How do you train employees to meet product quality ? Provide key product quality results (10) (i) Does the company follow the APQP process? If not, please specify the alternate methodology followed for component development? (10 )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Quality Performance S.N.DefectBefore PPMAfter PPMActions Taken Before – After Photos BeforeAfter (iv) Provide example of actions by which you are able to achieve zero defect at In-house rejection (10) (3.B) In-House Rejection & Rework Total= 90
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 34 (vi)Explain efforts taken to reduce rework. Provide key process matrices results : (10) 3. Quality Performance (v) What is the current level of the rework in PPM ? (show trend for last 3 year in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) (20) (3.B) In-House Rejection & Rework Total= 90
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 35 (vii) Please give details of action taken to reduce rework? (10) 3. Quality Performance S.N.ReworkBefore PPMAfter PPMActions Taken Before – After Photo BeforeAfter (3.B) In-House Rejection & Rework Total= 90
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Quality Performance (3.C) Supplier Rejection Total = 40 (i)how do you measure supplier quality [quality of everything about supplier] explain your ongoing vendor audit process how do you give feedback to your vendor how do you align vendor with your strategic objectives provide key vendor related results(20) (ii) Please describe the efforts to reduce the supplier rejection? (10 )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 37 (3.C) Supplier Rejection Total= Quality Performance S.N.Defect from Supplier Before PPMAfter PPMActions Taken Before – After Photos BeforeAfter (iii) Provide example of actions by which you are able to achieve zero defect at Supplier end (10)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 38 (ii) Please describe the efforts to reduce the warranty rejection (10) (3.D) Warranty Rejection Total= Quality Performance (i) What are the trends of the warranty ? (show last 3 year data in bar Graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) (30) Note : If warranty is Not applicable for your products, Mention in place of Graph
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 39 (3.D) Warranty Rejection Total= Quality Performance S.N.Warranty Defect Before PPMAfter PPMActions Taken Before – After Photos BeforeAfter (iii) Provide example of actions by which you are able to achieve Zero warranty defect (10)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Quality Performance (3.E) Cost of poor Quality ( COPQ) Total = 30 (i)what are different elements of Cost of quality what measures are monitors towards cost of quality how do you reduce cost of quality how do you communicate cost of quality to your employees and prepare action plans ? give cost of quality results and trends for last three years (10) (ii) Show elements of Cost of poor quality and improvements for the year (10) Give two action plans for cost of quality reduction S.N.COPQ Element Before %After %Actions Taken 1 2
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 41 (3.E) Cost of Poor Quality ( COPQ ) Total= Quality Performance (iii) Provide example of actions by which you are able to reduce COPQ ( 10 ) Before – After Photos BeforeAfter BeforeAfter
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 42 (i) How company identifies Critical to Quality characteristics (CTQ) ? How do decide on your process control measures. (10) (3.F) Process Improvement Total= Quality Performance
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 43 (iii) What steps are taken to improve process capability greater than 1.67? Provide key process matrices results ( 5 ) (3.F) Process Improvement Total= Quality Performance S.N.S.N. CTQ Param eter C ustomer Complain ts for Not Monit ored Cpk < 1.33 Cpk > 1.33 <1.67 Cpk > 1.67 Present Control (ii) What are your process control metrics ? Does the company insist on Cpk performance for CTQ characteristics? What is the present level of Process capability (Cpk) for CTQ’s identified and controls ? (15)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 44 (iv) Show Shining examples of process improvements ( 10 ) Explain with text and Photographs. (3.F) Process Improvement Total= Quality Performance BeforeAfter BeforeAfter Before – After Photo
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Quality Performance (i) How is the quality of safety critical parts ensured on periodic basis? (5 ) (ii) Are process / engineering changes also validated and documented? (5 ) (3.G) Quality Management Total= 50 (iii) How company identifies need for Poka-Yoke ? ( 10 )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 46 (iv) What % of CTQs are controlled by Poka Yoke? (5) % = 3. Quality Performance (vi) How do you ensure effectiveness of Poka yoke? (5 ) (v) What % of Customer complaints are closed by Poka Yoke in ? (5) % = (3.G) Quality Management Total= 50
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 47 (vii) Show innovative examples of poka-yokes & Effect on overall Rejection of that Product ( 15 ) 3. Quality Performance S.N.ProductBefore Rejection PPM After Rejection PPM Poka-yokes done Before – After Photo Before After (3.G) Quality Management Total= 50
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 48 Section 4 Productivity Performance Total Marks = 300 S.N.Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 4.A Manpower Productivity B Manufacturing Process Improvement 75 4.C Inventory Management 75 4.D Loss of production Hours 50 TOTAL300 ( For office use only )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 49 (ii) What are the tools used to improve manpower productivity ? (10) (4.A) Manpower productivity Total= Productivity Performance (i) What is the productivity trend. Show for your key business line ? (show last 3 year data in Bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line.) (15) (i) How do you measure productivity ? How do you decide on Productivity targets ? (5)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 50 (4.A) Manpower Productivity Total= Productivity Performance (iii) Show innovative examples of Manpower productivity improvements ( 20 ) S.N.OperationBefore ( Production / day ) After ( production / Day ) Actions Taken Before – After Photo Before After
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 51 (i) What % of operators are handling more than one machine? Illustrate it with your internal Target line. (30) 4. Productivity Performance (ii) What opportunities employee have for learning and sharing ? How Company encourages employees for operating multi-machines ? (20) (4.A) Manpower Productivity Total= 100
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 52 (4.B) Manufacturing Process Total= Productivity Performance Before After (i) Do you follow Single piece flow or batch flow layout or a mixture of both? Show present material flow for your key business line ? (15) (ii) Show improvements in layouts done last year, Show benefits of layouts change ( 25 ) Single piece flow = %, Batch Flow = Before : Material Travel = Meters ; Manufacturing Lead time = Mins ; WIP = Nos. After : Material Travel = Meters ; Manufacturing Lead time = Mins ; WIP = Nos.
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 53 (iii) How process cycle times are reduced ? Share examples (20) (4.B) Manufacturing Process Total= Productivity Performance S.N.OperationBefore Cycle Time After Cycle Time Actions Taken Before – After Photo Before After
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 54 (4.B) Manufacturing Process Total= Productivity Performance (iv) Is planning for safety / quality an integral part of the overall production planning process? Is FMEA carried out during planning stage? (15)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 55 (i) Show the trend of ITR (Inventory Turn Ratio) last three years, illustrate it with your internal Target line. (50) (4.C) Inventory Management Total= Productivity Performance (ii) Show actions taken to reduce inventory. (25) S.N.ProductsBefore Inventory in days After Inventory in days Actions Taken Formula Material cost of sales for the month x 12 ITR = (RM + WIP + FG ) on last day of the month
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 56 (i) Provide your equipment maintenance plan ? What are the measures tracked for equipment up time ? How much is machine breakdown loss in % of total available time? (Bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line ) (20) (ii) Show Actions taken to reduce break downs (10) (4.D) Loss of Production Hours Total= Productivity Performance S.N.BreakdownBefore Breakdown in a month After Breakdown in a month Actions Taken
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 57 (4.D) Loss of Production Hours Total= Productivity Performance (iii) How much is the Setup loss in % of total available time? (Bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line ) (10) (iv) Show Actions taken to reduce Setup time (10) S.N.Set upBeforeAfterActions Taken
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 58 Section 5 Cost Performance Total Marks = 100 S.N.Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 5.AEnergy Saving10 5.BValue Addition / Net Sales30 5.C Value Addition / Fixed Assets 30 5.D Value Addition / Employee Cost 30 TOTAL100 ( For office use only )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 59 (5.A) Energy Savings Total= Cost Performance (i) Show energy consumption as % Sales, illustrate it with your internal Target line. (5) S.N.ItemBeforeAfterActions Taken (ii) Show examples to reduce energy consumption (5)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 60 (i) How do you track various cost ? Show the trend of last three years in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line. (15) (5.B) Value Additions / Net Sales Total= Cost Performance Formula Net Sales – Variable Cost Value Addition to Net Sales = Net Sales (ii) How do you sensitise employees for costs and motivate them to participate in cost reduction drives ? What is the benchmark & efforts to improve value addition / Net sales? (15)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 61 (i) Show the trend of last three years in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line. ( 15 ) (5.C) Value Additions / Fixed Assets Total= Cost Performance Formula Net Sales - Variable Cost Value Addition to Fixed Assets = Total Cost of Fixed Assets (ii) What is the benchmark & efforts to improve value addition / Fixed assets ? (15)
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) 62 (i) Show the trend of last three years in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line. ( 15 ) (5.D) Value Additions to Employee cost Total= Cost Performance (ii) What is the benchmark & efforts to improve value addition to Employee Cost ? (15) Formula Sales –Variable Cost Value Addition to Employee Cost = Total Employee Cost ( CTC )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) Summary of Achievements for the year ( Company has to fill up )
ACMA Awards : Excellence in Quality & Productivity (Large) For Company: Show your companies excellent photos