Case Study By Clive Bonny Enabled London with WordBank
WORDBANK OPPORTUNITY Award winning innovation using team skills in Advanced communication technology support Big Picture strategic planning Programming and project management Digital animation and audio mixing Making Information Easier
Market Trends Assessed Fast evolution of website design Positive impact on corporate branding Adapting technology to people and process Simplifying messages to diverse readership Early adopters enhance revenue streams Convert ROI, NPV and IRR into WOW Website Outcomes Wanted!
Development Journey Action Learning role-played and recorded Fast road mapping routes to market Assessed language and behaviour styles Telephone and face to face support onsite Referrals to Trade Bodies / Associations Planned approaches to new prospects
Project Outcomes Clarified the WordBank value proposition Multiple benefits for different markets Identified initial early corporate adopters Reviewed cost / benefits of offer Cross-agency support with Accelerator Address £4.8 Billion web investment gap
Client’s Impact Assessment Business capability to Enable Disabled Market targeting of corporate clients Identified Reader Profiling tools “Our Think Big advisor Clive highlighted the commercial value of WordBank to enhance client website returns on investment” Alick Mackenzie MD