HELEN RUFFIN was the library media specialist at Sky Haven Elementary School in DeKalb County, Georgia. In 1985, she served on the selection committee for the Georgia Childrens Book Award nominee program. This literature program began in the Department of Language Education at the University of Georgias College of Education. This literature program inspired her to use the nominee books to encourage her students to read.
Georgia Childrens Book Award Nominees
A SEED WAS PLANTED It was nourished by other interested media specialists with a burning desire to continue Helens Idea.
NOURISHED Turn students on to reading Encourage independent reading for pleasure. To improve comprehension skills. To foster strong support for the media center which is the key to successful reading programs in the schools. To encourage reading through friendly team competition.
THE GEORGIA HELEN RUFFIN READING BOWL In 2003 GAE and GLMA agree to sponsor the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl. The first state competition was held in March, Over 50 school teams competed in the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Regional competitions in March, 2006.
GAME FORMAT 1. Each school will participate in six rounds. 2. Each round will consist of 10 questions. 3. Alternates may be substituted between rounds 4. Teams will receive 10 points for each answer. 5. There will be no penalties for wrong answers. 6. There will be five members on a team and up to five alternates. 7. A school may have no more than one team.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS MODERATORS 1. READ RULES AT BEGINNING OF EACH ROUND, Ask, Does everyone understand? Let console judge check that all equipment is working. 2 Read questions. 3. Acknowledge that answer is correct or incorrect. 4. Read correct answer if no correct answer is given. 5. If there are any questions the coach of either team is to ask.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS TIME KEEEPER 1. Use stopwatch to begin time as soon as team member is recognized for 10 seconds.. 2. Call time at end of 10 seconds if no answer is given. CONSOLE JUDGE Operate main box for QuizMatic Check that all equipment is working correctly at the beginning of each round. Recognize the team member and team who buzz in first.
Job Descriptions SCOREKEEPERS Keep scores on score paper. Tally points at end of each round. COACHES Stay with team. You will ask any questions. 3.. Remind parents and others there will be no talking during a round. After the first warning by the moderator, the other team will automatically receive 10 points.
WINNERS The winners will be determined in the following manner:The teams with the highest total points from all six of their rounds will be the winners. In case of a tie, the teams who are tied will be co- winners. Winning teams will receive a trophy for their school. There will be a first place, second place and third place winning teams
Ghost CanoeBy Will Hobbs 1. In the book, Ghost Canoe, who is the author? Answer: The author is Will Hobbs. Page: Title Page 2. In the book Ghost Canoe, Nathan is _____ years old. Answer: He is 14 years old Page: 8 In the book, Ghost Canoe, Nathan helps his father operate the lighthouse, which is called ________Light. Answer: It is called the Tatoosh Light Page: 5
Announcing - The Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Georgia Association of Educators(GAE) and Georgia Library Media Association(GLMA) announce the annual state Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl. To participate in the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, students must read the Georgia Childrens Book Award Nominees. A school may sponsor no more than one team. Each team will consist of five players and five alternates...
Regional Bowls March 3,2007 North University Of West Georgia Stephen Williams East Augusta State University Terrie Gribanow West Ola High School Dorrie Moll South Valdosta State University Donna Milner
THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION BY THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE GEORGIA HELEN RUFFIN READING BOWL Betty Beasley Evelyn Smith Rosalind Dennis Wendy Smith Gwen Green Mary Thomas Karen Gurty Stephen Wiliams Barbara Hallstrom Donna Milner Melinda Morin Mary Nevil © 2006 by the State Steering Committee of the Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl