What is data? ► It is information gathered by different sources or facts. ► It may be in numeric or alphabetic form
Types of data There are two types of data ► Primary data ► Secondary data
Primary data ► It is the type of data that investigator collect first time ► It is in unprocessed form ► Basically it is raw data
Methods of collecting Primary data ► Direct personal investigation ► Indirect oral investigation ► Through local correspondents ► Mailed questionnaire ► Personal observation
Secondary data ► It is in processed form ► It may be official data ► Official publications of govt. ► Publications of international organization ► Research reports
What is data interpretation? ► It is explanation of your results. ► Its purpose is to get answers to your study question. ► The questions that provoke you to start your monitoring program.
Tools for data interpretation ► Statistical tools are used for the explanation of our results. These tools are: Mean Mode Median Regression & co-relation
► Graphs ► Chi-square test ► Ratio ► Sampling
What is presentation of data? ► It is a way to present your research work before others. ► Following points should be considered during data presentation: a. Know your audience a. Know your audience b. Presentation should not be highly technical or extremely simplistic. b. Presentation should not be highly technical or extremely simplistic.
c. Focus on your topic d. Presentation either verbal or written should be timely and relevant. e. Maintain the interest and attention of your audience.
Ways of data presentation ► Graphical presentation of data ► In graphical presentation different types of graphs are used e.g. Bar graphs Pi-chart Line graphs Maps and photographs
Bar Graph
Pi Chart
Line Graph
Some other ways of presentation of data Some other ways of presentation of data ► Written reports ► Speaking tour ► Public meetings ► Press releases and press conference ► Exhibits ► Websites