Systems Life Cycle 1.Project Idenification 2. Initial Investigation 3. Feasibilty Study 4. Analysis 5. Design 6. Development and testing 7. Implementation 8. Monitoring and evalation
Project Identification This is where an area within an organisation that has problems processing data is identified This can be through: informal discussion identifying formal terms of reference for someone else to use Back
Initial Investigation The current system is investigated to find out how the data is currently processed. This can be done by: Questionnaires Observation Interviews Back
Feasibility Study At this stage a decision is made as to whether it is sensible (feasible) to design a new system or whether the existing system is adequate. A Feasibility Report is written which includes: cost/benefit analysis preliminary analysis and design of a new system Back
Analysis A full analysis is now carried out based on a detailed investigation of the current system and what the new system is required to do. The results of the investigation are documented ( written down) and a Requirements Specification is written Back
Design A design specification is written which meets all the items in the requirement specification. The design specification includes: inputsoutputs data structuresdata processing required security measuresrecovery procedures softwarehardware Back
Development and Testing At this stage the following is carried out: data structures are set up a test strategy is decided on - using normal, unusual and extreme data results of testing are documented and action taken if the tests do not work user documentation is written,tested and amended as necessary Back
Implementation At this stage the new system is introduced and staff trained. This is done in one of the following ways: Direct Changeover Phased Changeover Parallel Running Pilot Running Back
Monitoring and Evaluation One the system has been implemented it is still monitored and its performance is evaluated. The system is modified as necessary when the requirements for data processing change. Back
Questionnaires Advanatges efficient method of collecting data saves time as people are not taken away from their jobs to discuss issues makes people focus on the issues in the questionnaire Disadvantages Sometimes people do not return them people may not understand the questions may be time consuming to complete some issues may not be included Back
Observation Advantages a clear picture of the processes involved is obtained Disadvanatges the person observed may resent it people may change their behaviour while being observed Back
Interviews Advantages It is possible to discuss some facts in more detail Disadvanatges They take a long time to carry out It may be difficult to find a time during the working day to do the interview It can be difficult to keep focussed on the important issues Back
Direct Changeover The changeover form the old system to the new one takes place completely overnight Staff have to use the new system immediately If the system fails there is no other system to return to Back
Phased Changeover Parts of the system are implemented a little at a time Users have the chance to get used to the changes in the system gradually Any errors that are found in the new system can be fixed in a more manageable way Back
Parallel Running Both the old and the new systems are run together for a time This means that all the data must be processed twice while both systems are being used Any errors in the new system will not affect the normal output while the old system is working Back
Pilot Running The new system is run on a trial basis with only a small number of users using it. This allows any errors to be identified and corrected with very little effect on normal processing and output Back