What is a graph? A diagram showing the relationship between two or more variables
Types of Graphs: Bar graph Line graph Circle graph (pie chart) Histogram Stem and Leaf Plot
Why do we use graphs? They help us visualize the information! They are an easy way to organize our data!
Who uses graphs? Physicians/Doctors Teachers Accountants Scientists Business Jobs (marketing, finance, etc.) Construction Managers Engineers ** BASICALLY EVERYONE!!! **
Bar Graph -Used to show amounts Student scores on Science Galileo Test in May 2014 # Of S T U D E N T S Test scores
Line Graph: Used to show changes over time Number of Students at Meets from August to May Months # Of S T U D E N T S
Circle Graph (pie chart) -Used to show percentages 59%
Stem and Leaf Plot A table used to show data values. 15, 16, 21, 23, 23, 26, 26, 30, 32, 41 Stem Leaf Stem: left-hand column that contains the tens digits. Leaf: right-hand column showing the ones digits.
Histogram Used to show data grouping numbers into ranges/frequency. Age Ranges # Of K I D S Toys Chosen By Kids Ages 2 through 17
Homework: Draw or cut pictures of different types of graph. Place in your Graphing note paper (purple sheet)
How to label your graph… Title (all graphs have to have a title!) X – Axis (horizontal) Independent Variable/Cause Y – Axis (vertical) Dependent Variable/Effect
Exit Slip Answer these questions in your notebook. Explain the differences between a bar graph and a circle graph. Explain the differences between a histogram and a line graph. Why do you think we would use a stem- and-leaf plot? Why do we use graphs?