Unit 2: Exodus and the Land of Promise Chapter 1 Out of Slavery Genesis 1-15
Essential Question O If chosen by a higher power to go to one of the most powerful people in world, would you have the courage to do so?
I CAN: 1. Discover what happened to the descendants of Joseph in Egypt 2. Identify Moses and describe his role as leader of the Israelites 3. Describe the epic events associated with the Israelities’ departure from Egypt 4. Discuss the continuing influence of the theme of liberation as expressed in Exodus
Book of Exodus O NPw-QI NPw-QI O 2:41 Min
Beginnings of Exodus O Second book of the Bible is Exodus*-means emigration or mass departure O Begins the story of the Israelites*-Descendants of Jacob; God’s chosen people O Journey from Egypt to Canaan is the journey from bondage to the Promised Land
Themes of Exodus 1. Oppression 2. Exile 3. Liberation 4. Journey Home
Moses O Emerges as one of the Israelites greatest leaders and prophets O As a baby, he was put in the Nile River, to be found by Pharaoh’s daughters O Began with his mother’s loving and royal household
Pharaoh’s daughter finds Baby Moses by Poussin
Moses Cont. O Moses kills an Egyptian because he was beating a Hebrew slave O Ends up fleeing Egypt for the land of Midian O Goes from being a prince to being a shepherd
The Burning Bush O God appears to Moses at Mt. Horeb among a burning bush O God is going to bring his people out of Egypt to the land flowing with milk and honey*-”good and broad land”God promised Moses and his people in Exodus
Burning Bush Cont. O God called Moses and made him a prophet*- ”to speak for God”; a person chosen to speak for God O Moses complains that he cannot speak fluently and God sends his brother Aaron to speak for him
Burning Bush Cont. O Moses asks for God’s name to present to the Israeli people O God’s name is not a noun but a verb O God replies, “I am that I am.”
Burning Bush Video O 1DE 1DE O 4:37 Min
Moses and Egypt Videos O 1brA 1brA O 2:03 Min: Let my people Go by Robeson O hx1rE&feature=related hx1rE&feature=related O 4:19 Min
Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart O Moses and Aaron were directed to tell Pharaoh, “Let my people go.” O God, along with Pharaoh himself, hardened his heart O This lead to the ten plagues of Egypt*- misfortunes visited on Pharaoh and Egypt by God to persuade him to free the Israelites
Ten Plagues of Egypt O jlaw&feature=related jlaw&feature=related O 2:44 min
The Fifth Plague of Egypt by Turner
The Passover O Tenth plague was the death of the first born O The Israelites were given a command by God to help protect them O They were to kill a lamb and put the blood on the doorpost O This came to be known as the Passover*-Yearly Jewish festival to commemorate the Israelite’s liberation from slavery in Egypt
The Passover O OXt0 OXt0 O 9:15 Min
The Departure of the Israelites by Roberts
Parting the Red Sea O After 430 years of captivity, the Israelites will eventually leave Egypt O God accompanied them with a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night O Pharaoh will regret his decision and send his troops after them
Parting the Sea Cont. O The people were frustrated that they might die or go back into slavery O God saves the Israelites by parting the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross, and then crushed the Egyptians army as they followed
Parting Sea Videos O _hk _hk O 2:02 min
Parting the Sea
Delivery of Israel out of Egypt by Colman