Countable Athletically Related Activity Meals Recruiting Reminders Campus Visits Social Media Recruiting Calendars
SPORTDATEPERIOD Track/CC Tennis Softball Volleyball W. Golf W. Soccer Sept 1-Oct 31Contact BaseballSept 1-12 Sept 13-Oct 31 Quiet Contact
CARA logs must be submitted every Monday of the week during the academic year while school is in session ( Through ACS) – Including vacation and final examination periods Reminders: – Any required activity must be counted (including punishment activity) – Countable athletically related activity may not be conducted at any time following competition – Countable athletics related activity may not be conducted between midnight and 5 a.m. – A “voluntary” activity becomes “countable” when unauthorized sports staff are watching the activity or providing instruction Includes Director of Operations Exceptions: – Strength and conditioning coaches may be present during voluntary workouts to provide safety instruction
In-Season Maximum of 20 hours per week Maximum of 4 hours per day At least one day off per week (7-day period) Same 7-day period must be used throughout segment (set day of week in ACS prior to segment beginning) In-Season Maximum of 20 hours per week Maximum of 4 hours per day At least one day off per week (7-day period) Same 7-day period must be used throughout segment (set day of week in ACS prior to segment beginning) Out of Season Maximum of 8 hours per week Maximum of 4 hours per day At least two off days per week Individual Skill Instruction -Maximum of two hours per week -Sept. 15 th -April 15 th. Entire team may partake *Baseball-Sept 15 to 1 week prior to fall final examination period. Jan 15-April 15 -Before Sept. 15 th and after April 15 th. Limited to four student-athletes. Out of Season Maximum of 8 hours per week Maximum of 4 hours per day At least two off days per week Individual Skill Instruction -Maximum of two hours per week -Sept. 15 th -April 15 th. Entire team may partake *Baseball-Sept 15 to 1 week prior to fall final examination period. Jan 15-April 15 -Before Sept. 15 th and after April 15 th. Limited to four student-athletes. Countable Non-Countable Practice (In-season only) Competition (3 hours regardless of actual duration) Strength and conditioning activities Film sessions with coaches Compliance Meetings Academic Meetings Study hall/tutoring Travel to/from contest-off day Meeting initiated by SA Treatment/rehab Meetings initiated or required by coach Promotional Activities Community Service
In-Season Unlimited activity during vacation period May use travel to and from competition as day off Out-of-Season Conditioning drills may not simulate offensive or defensive alignments No equipment related to the sport may be used during conditioning activities No required participation in any CARA during and institutional vacation period
Home Competition Away From Home Competition All student-athletes may receive meals beginning the evening before competition through the time until they are released by institutional personnel Once student-athletes are released, they may be provided a postgame meal or a cash amount that does not exceed $15 All student-athletes may receive meals beginning the evening before competition through the time until they are released by institutional personnel Once student-athletes are released, they may be provided a postgame meal or a cash amount that does not exceed $15 All student-athletes may receive pregame and postgame meals in addition to regular meals Athletes may receive up to $15 in lieu of postgame meal Athletes may receive meals from the time the team is required to report for team travel until the time the team returns to campus Athletes may receive cash at the time of their release from countable activity All student-athletes may receive pregame and postgame meals in addition to regular meals Athletes may receive up to $15 in lieu of postgame meal Athletes may receive meals from the time the team is required to report for team travel until the time the team returns to campus Athletes may receive cash at the time of their release from countable activity
JUNIOR Recruiting Materials Permissible after September 1 Telephone Calls -One call per week beginning July 1 following junior year, or opening day of classes of senior year (earliest) -Unlimited during contact period for baseball, track/cc, softball and volleyball.
SENIOR Telephone Calls Once per week (unlimited during contact periods for baseball, track/cc, softball and volleyball Off-Campus Contact -July 1 prior to senior year or opening day of classes of senior year in high school (earliest and subject to recruiting calendars) Official Visits Opening day of classes
Evaluations and Contacts 50 evaluation days in softball Aug 1-July evaluation days in women’s volleyball Aug 1-July 31 Seven recruiting opportunities (contacts & evaluations combined) per prospect and not more than 3/7 may be contacts Practice/Competition site restrictions
The BasicsRequirements One (1) paid visit per prospect ( ) Five (5) paid visits per prospect, regardless of number of sports Applies only to Division I institutions ( ) TAMUCC Total On Oct. 15 following the completion of high school, all visit limitations are reset No earlier than opening day of classes of the PSA’s senior year Standardized Test Score (PSAT, SAT, PLAN or ACT) Transcripts Registered with NCAA Eligibility Center Compliance: Activate prospect on Institutional Request List (IRL) Coaches: Request official visit through ACS two (2) working days prior to visit
Time Period 48 Hours maximum (13.6.4) Clock starts when the prospect: ( ) Arrives on campus; Is provided a sit-down meal and/or entertainment prior to arriving on campus; Is picked up from a major airport outside of Corpus Christi; or Is picked up at their home by an athletic department staff member Transportation From CCI: Any member of athletics department may transport prospect (and guests) to campus/hotel From any other airport: Only full-time staff members may transport prospect (and guests) to campus/hotel Managers and/or students may not transport prospects
Driving From Home Campus CC International Drive-thru MealHotel (Drop-off) CC International Hotel Campus Drive-thru Meal Hotel (Drop-off) Campus Option 1 Option 3 Option 2 Option 4 Option 5 Campus Hotel (TAMUCC Staff Present Campus Sit-Down Meal Other Airports
ProspectPSA’s Parents, Legal Guardian, Children, Spouse Siblings, Grandparents, Other Family Student Host Lodging -Actual costs of reasonable expenses while traveling to and from campus -Commercial facilities in 30-mile radius may be used -Commercial facilities in 30-mile radius may be used May stay in same room without institution providing any extra costs N/A Meals Three (3) meals per day plus reasonable snack (e.g., pizza, hamburger) -Not included in the $40/day entertainment expense Three (3) meals per day plus reasonable snack (e.g., pizza, hamburger) -Not included in the $40/day entertainment expense ImpermissibleProvided the student host is accompanying the prospect -Not included in the $40/day entertainment expense Entertainment Student host controls funds Impermissible$40 each day of the visit to cover host(s), prospect and prospect’s parents, legal guardian, children or spouse (new legislation) -Student host may be given an additional$20 per day for each additional prospect hosted Tickets Three (3) maximum complimentary admission to home athletics event for prospect and those accompanying the prospect ONE (1)
Official Visit Request Form Post Visit Form (requires signature of prospect) Request complimentary tickets through ACS prior to visit and submit all forms and necessary proof of travel, receipts, etc. with reimbursement request to the Compliance office after the visit has concluded.
Unlimited (at expense of prospect) Athletics may provide three (3) maximum complimentary admission to home athletics event for prospect and those accompanying the prospect Athletics staff member may provide transportation to and from practice or competition sites in the prospect’s sport and to attend a home athletic contest Request unofficial visit and complimentary tickets through ACS prior to visit.
Coaches may not accept or initiate a “friend” request until it is permissible to send correspondence to a prospect Once allowed as a “friend,” coaches: – May send direct messages – May NOT post on prospect’s wall – May NOT engage in live chat function – May NOT comment about a prospect in any fashion The calendar day after an NLI is signed, all of the above is permissible with that specific prospect ( )
It is permissible for all coaching staff members to maintain a Twitter account or any other form of micro blog. – Coaches/staff may comment about the following: Game scores Team updates Facility updates Coaching staff updates – Coaches/staff may NOT: Publicize the recruitment of a particular prospect Publicize a prospect’s visit to campus Post pictures of prospects engaged in an institutional camp/clinic Have communication with or about prospect’s in public view “replies” or “mentions”)
Once a prospect signs an NLI, coaches may communicate in public view and make comments regarding that particular prospect The ONLY EXCEPTION to mentioning a prospect prior to signing is in response to an inquiry by the media in order to confirm recruitment of the prospect Coaches may interact with prospects through the direct message function on Twitter However: “If a coach is aware that a prospect has elected to receive Twitter direct messages as text messages and the coach continues to engage in a direct message conversation as a means to circumvent the restrictions on text messages, the coach has committed a violation”
Please complete CARAs no later than Mondays for the previous week. NLI Signees request final amateurism. Official Visits Season Declaration