Excuses in Exodus 1:15-21 the midwives’ excuse for not killing the male Hebrew newborns v.19 3:10-14 Who am I? v.11 See Acts 7:22-29 “What if they ask me who sent me? v.13 4:1-9 What if they don’t believe me? v.1 4:10-17 “I am slow of speech” v.10 “Send someone else” v.13 6:10-13, 6:28-7:7 Israel won’t listen so how will Pharaoh listen to me? v.12, 30
Excuses in Exodus 10:10 Pharaoh’s excuse to not let children go 32:1-35 People’s excuse for a golden calf v.1 Aaron’s excuses for how it appeared v The people wanted it 1 Samuel 15:24 It appeared out of the fire (denial for his part) WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE? No excuse is good enough Romans 1:20 Luke 14:16-24 God never asked for excuses but asks for obedience