Created by L. Durant-Adkins
This is the Drive that all documents are saved to. Think of this as the Main file cabinet. The Main File cabinet is called F:/ICE544S…. = F Drive
F:/ICE544S14/Durant- Adkins Each folder is created in the File cabinet – naming the folder What is the name of this folder?
SOFTWARE Excel PowerPoint Word Inspiration Graphics Durant- adkins Durant- adkins Computer Functions Name your file
Each software ends with extensions Excel.xls The system automatically names the extension Such as computer functions.xls Display with Green X
Each software ends with extensions Word.doc The system automatically names the extension Such as computer functions.doc Display with Blue W
Each software ends with extensions PowerPoint.ppt The system automatically names the extension Such as computer functions.ppt Display with Orange P
Step one in saving files – is What? Go to the Main Cabinet – F Drive Step two in saving files – is What? Go to the name folder– YOUR NAME Step three in saving files – is What? Name the file– Make sure you name the file that makes sense
Images retrieved from T4TSHB_enUS333US334&q=powerpoint+icon &aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10 T4TSHB_enUS333US334&q=powerpoint+icon &aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10 T4TSHB_enUS333US334&q=word+icon&aq=f &oq=&aqi=g10 T4TSHB_enUS333US334&q=word+icon&aq=f &oq=&aqi=g10 T4TSHB_enUS333US334&q=excel+icon&aq=f &oq=&aqi=g10