CH 33 P2 1) Explain why farmers in the Great Plains were so deeply impacted and identify the group of farmers that moved to CA and the book that details their plight 2) Define the TVA and AAA and analyze why some Americans had objections to both agencies 3) Explain FDR’s “court packing scheme” and why FDR felt he needed to manipulate the Supreme Court. – 3A Evaluate if the President went too far in trying to change the role of Government.
Farmers- since farmers could not pay back their debts and were at risk of losing their farms, they grew even more food to pay off their debts Why is this a bad economic strategy? AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act- government destroyed crops and livestock, plus paid farmers not to grow food – How would the AAA help farmers? Less food would mean that food prices would go up allowing farmers to make more $ – Why would many Americans be upset at such a government agency?
ID- The Extent of Erosion in the 1930’s Summary 1-What caused the area in the map to become known as the “Dust Bowl”? Over plowing (disintegrating topsoil), draught, and wind erosion OI- Paying Farmers not to Farm 1) What government agency was created to help farmers in need? What was the revolutionary plan to help farmers survive? AAA- paid farmers not to grow and Gov. destroyed crops and livestock (idea- was to create less supply of food so prices went up, helping farmers earn more money) 2) Why were many Americans so offended by this agency? Gov. is paying people not to work People are starving and food is being destroyed
OI- Dust Bowls and Black Blizzards 3) How was the Dust Bowl created? Tractors and plows destroyed the topsoil making it easy for wind to pick up lots of dust 4) Where did the Okies move to? CA (Okies were Ok. Farmers that lost farms, lived out of cars, and moved to look for seasonal work as pickers) – What groups of people work as seasonal workers today? How are they looked at by Americans?
5) What book detailed the plight of the Okies? Grapes of Wrath (By John Steinbeck) tells of how the Okies were looked down on by Ca. and exploited by farms
Imagine a new item that you want to purchase is for sale on Sunday at 10:00 but someone else buys them all up before you can because their friend owns the shop and allowed that person in at 9:50. That person is then willing to sell you the same item at 50% increase in cost. Is that fair? Explain. In business which economic group do you feel got the advantage and which group was the one that was ripped off? SEC (Security Exchange Commission) Gov. agency designed to regulate the stock market to ensure that unfair trading and another stock market crash never happens again
ID- TVA Area (788) Summary 2- How many dams are shown on the map? How many were built? 9, 20 Summary 3- Identify two ways the construction of dams turned around Tennessee? Create electricity, stopped flooding, created jobs OI- The TVA Harnesses the Tenn. 6) How many poverty stricken people lived in the Tenn. Valley? 2.5 million (among the poorest area in US)
7) What did the TVA bring to the Tenn. Valley? Electricity (provided by the government), recreation (lakes), jobs 8) What area of the US was influenced by the success of the TVA and started building dams? West (turned desert areas into farming areas, plus electricity- ie Las Vegas) Why might some people be against the Government building and running dams? (How is the role of government changing here?)
OI- Housing and Social Security 9) What did the FHA provide? Gov. Loans to homeowners (helping people afford a house) How does this provide relief and recovery for Americans (think new home? 10) What did Social Security provide? Pension ($) for the elderly, handicapped, and orphaned What would happen today if the US did not have Social Security?
ID- The Rise and Decline of Organized Labor (791) Summary 4- During which decade did Unions start to see their membership BEGIN to rise (especially the CIO)? Why do you feel workers felt the need to organize then? Thirties (since people were so desperate to work, employers could take advantage of workers and hire only those willing to work for less, organizing allowed workers to hold out and demand fair pay) Summary 5-When did union membership start to fall? 1970’s (people lost jobs because Japanese and German products competed w. America, businesses shrank and let go of workers)
OI- A New Deal for Labor 11) How did the National Labor Relations Act help Unions? Allowed Unions to organize and bargain, plus elect their own leaders 12) What did the Fair Labor Standards Act establish? Minimum wage, banned child labor, 40 hour work week Identify the NLRA’s impact on you today!
ID- The Response to Roosevelt’s “Court Packing” Plan (793) Summary 6- How Supreme Court justices did FDR want on the Supreme Court? (How many are on the Supreme Court? Hint- look in the cartoon) 15, 9 (FDR wanted to increase the size of the court by being able to appoint an extra justice for every member over 60 There were 6 justices over sixty, 7 justices on the court were Republicans What is FDR tinkering with here? » FDR is starting to violate “checks and balances” by interfering with another branch of government (Judicial Branch)
OI- Nine Old Men on the Bench 13) How was the Supreme Court blocking FDR’s plans? The Republican justices were voting against FDR’s New Deal plans (felt that government intervention to help Americans was Socialistic) Socialism- Gov. runs the economy Identify how FDR’s New Deal policies could be interpreted as being Socialistic? Give examples 7 justices were Republican
14) Why did FDR feel the court should side with his ideas? Because the American people needed aid and they elected him to help the people 15) What was FDR’s idea to solve his Supreme Court idea? The President could appoint a new justice for every judge over 60 (There were six justices over 60) By appointing 6 more justices, how many Democrats would sit on the bench? How is FDR overstepping his political boundaries in regards to this “Court-Packing Scheme”? Is he a tyrant? Biggest and only major loss in FDR’s tenure