Insects By Sam and Shannon
Contents Page 1 Caterpillar Page 2 Bees Page 3 Dung beetles Page 4 Flies Page 5 Ladybirds Page 6 Glossary
Caterpillar Caterpillars eat lots of leaves. Then they metamorphose into butterflies. When caterpillars eat too much they make a cocoon.
Bees Bees collect nectar from the flowers and make it into yummy honey. Bees forage from flower to flower.
Dung beetles eat pooh. Female dung beetles lay their eggs in poo.
Baby flies are called maggots. Flies are pests. Flies have one pairs of wings.
Ladybirds Ladybirds are insects, they are small animals. They are in the beetle family. They eat aphids and other insects.
Glossary Metamorphose - Means changes in to an adult Honey - what bees make and what we eat Forage-the bees go searching around. Dung-poo Maggots-baby flies. Aphids-a type of insect.