By: Tatianna Hernandez I think he looks cooool. Spiders My feature spider is the Desert Tarantula. Doesn’t He look Scary.
I Look Cool. The reason I chose this spider is because to me it looks big and brave, in the picture it looks like a simple spider,but in reality it is just a fierce predator. The Goliath Tarantula actually the length of 1.5 inches long and 4 centimeters.I think that’s amazing for the body length for a spider.I never saw a desert tarantula before. A desert tarantula has a heavy and hairy body.His cephalothorax is gray to dark very dark brown.It has iridescent hairs that forms a pad below the tip of each leg.I never knew that. Did you? He also has eight eyes too. Did you know that?I wonder what its like to have eight eyes?
Where is my home ? A desert tarantula lives in four states New Mexico,Arizona,Southern California and Texas.He also lives in the desert soil in holes and under stones.I wonder if he gets dirty when he is under a stone in the dirt.
What’s for dinner? A desert tarantula eats lizards,insects and other small animals like frogs.First before he eats his prey he puts venom in its prey and make there insides all soupy so they can suck it up and eat their prey.I wonder what a bugs insides taste like.I wonder if they can kill a human and suck up are insides too?
I’m a Hunter. A desert tarantula hunts by sitting at the front of their door way and waits un till an small animal or insects comes to close to their home then WHA POW!The bug gets eaten and never comes back again.I wonder if he hunts humans.I'd be scared to get near them if they did hunt humans too.Do you know were you find a desert tarantulas egg sac?I know.You would normally find them in dark places were they would not be seen and did you know a desert tarantula lays up to500 to 1,000 eggs.That's a lot of eggs just for a small spider.Did you know that a desert tarantula can molt just like other spiders?
Parts of a spider 2 body parts 8 eyes cephalothorax abdomen pedipalps one of 8 legs spinnerets
good things about spiders bad things about spiders You can keep them as pets at your home.You can train them to be good animals. They can bite you and maybe die.They may bite you and they may be poisonous. Also if we didn’t have spiders we would be trapped in a world with bugs
Spiders make webs to Catch their food and they use to catch bees and wasps.Bees and wasps can kill us.But…I also learned that spiders use their silk to use make an egg sac and to bundle up there food so can save it for later or to put venom in the bug so they can suck their blood.
These are three facts I will always remember about spiders: 1.They belong to the arthropod family. 2.They can lay up to 500 to 1,000 eggs. 3.They use silk to make egg sac.
What is a Spider? Did you know that a female desert tarantula can live up to 25 years!Can you believe that? While a male can only live up to 10 to 11years. That’s not much, is it? While a female's life span is amazing. Isn't it? I think it is.My favorite thing that I learned about my spider was how long the female could live. I thought it was interesting because I did not know that a spider could live that long. I thought they only lived up to a few years. Did you know that a spider isn't a insect? It actually belongs in the arthropod family. Just to tell you again spiders do not belong in the insect family. WARNING! A desert tarantula is still dangerous. It has hair that it can release to protect him. It is very irritating to get the hairs on the animals that attacks him. So, I would stay away from them if I were you. The male spider walks in the dim daylight after sunset and near dawn looking for a female that it can mate with. Did you know that these spiders are no longer than two inches long. I found out that a desert tarantula's legs can get up to three to four incheslong. I always wondered, what it's like to have eight legs! Now that I have been researching spiders for weeks, I think their life sounds amazing to me! Does it to you?
Spiders are awesome.
Glossary Irritating : To make part of the body sensitive. Cephalothorax:The head of a spider. Abdomen: The rear end of a spider. Arthropod: The spider family. Poison:A drug or other substance that kills or harms a living thing when it is taken in.
references Desert tarantula Desert tarantula picture Pictures: InsectsInsects, insects and more insectsinsects SpidersSpiders, spiders and more spidersspiders