Dr. Janet Sio 邵婉瑜 IELTS Preparatory Course: Listening and Spoken English Fujian Normal University Future Tense, Traditions
Meet Me in the Morning Jazz Chant Meet me in the morning. Meet me at noon. Meet me in September. or in the middle of June. Meet me at midnight. Meet me in the hall. Meet me in the summer. Meet me in the fall. Meet me in the evening Meet me at eight. I’ll meet you anytime you want, but please don’t be late
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by: Dr. Seuss One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Black fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish. This one has a little star. This one has a little car. Say! What a lot of fish there are. Yes. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad. Some are thin. And some are fat. The fat one has a yellow hat.
From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. Here are some who like to run. They run for fun in the hot, hot sun. Oh me! Oh my! What a lot of funny things go by Some have two feet and some have four. Some have six feet and some have more. Where do they come from? I can’t say. But I bet that have come a long, long way. We see them come. We see them go. Some are fast. And some are slow. Some are high. And some are low. Not one of them is like another. Don't ask us why. Go ask your mother.
Who am I? My name is Ned. I do not like my little bed This is no good. This is not right. My feet stick out of bed all night. And when I pull them in, Oh Dear! My head sticks out of bed up here! We like our bike. It is made for three Our Mike sits up in back, you see. We like our Mike and this is why: Mike does all the work when the hills get high. Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I can not hear. Will you please come over near? Will you please look in my ear? There must be something there, I fear.
Say, look! A bird was in your ear. But he is out. So have no fear. Again your ear can hear, my dear. My hat is old. My teeth are gold. I have a bird, I like to hold. My shoe is off. My foot is cold. I have a bird, I like to hold. My hat is old. My teeth are gold. And now my story is all told.
Homework List 3-5 experiences you would like to have in the future. Eg. graduate school travel to _____ start a company learn to fly a plane, drive a car
Talking about the Future Degrees of Probability
X X X X Buy a car, 2018 Travel abroad, 2020 Work as a translator, 2017 Graduate university, 2016 Simple Future: What will you do after you graduate? Future Progressive: What will you be doing in 2019? Future Perfect: What will you have done by the time you travel abroad?
Future Tense Exercise Future Tense: (simple future, future progressive, future perfect) With a partner, talk about: (a)what you will do for summer vacation, (b)what you will do after you graduate, (c)what you will be doing in 2018, (d)what you will have done before you graduate, (e)what you will be doing in your last year of university, (f)where you will be living after you find a job, (g)what you will have done before you retire, (h)what you will eat for dinner tonight.
Round Robin Opinion poll Ask classmates: “What experiences do you most want to have in in the future?” “What will you have done before__(pick one experience on your classmates list)____?” Make an opinion poll to find out what classmates most want to experience in the future.(eg graduate, get married, travel) In 30 seconds, switch partners
Future Tense Adverbs of Probability QUESTIONS Are you going to _____ ? Are you planning to _____ ? How likely will you ______? How sure do you think you will (you’ll) ____?
Future Tense: Adverbs of Probability DefiniteI’m (not) going to _____. I’m (not) planning to _____. I’m certainly/definitely (not) going to _____. Nothing’s going to stop me from_____. Probably/ Likely I’m hoping to _____. I’d like to _____. I think I’ll _____. I’ll probably/likely (not) (verb). Possibly/ Perhaps I might/may _____. I’m thinking of (verb+ing) _____. I think I might _____. UndecidedI haven’t decided yet. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
Probability Practice Questions How sure do you think you’ll graduate in 2016? Are you going to get married? Are you going home for the Dragon Boat Festival Day? How likely will you go to graduate school? Are you planning to travel abroad in the future? Are you planning to go out for supper this weekend? How likely will you learn to drive a car this year? Are you planning to be a computer programmer? A teacher? How sure do you think you’ll stay in Fuzhou after graduating? How sure do you think you’ll pass Spoken English this year?
Practice: Future Plans See the world map and review country names Ask partners: –Where would you like to go? –Why would you like to go there? –What would you like to see there? Answers: –I would like/plan/hope to go to….. –I would like/plan/hope to go because…. –I would like/plan/hope to see….
Last Speech Date: May 27 Topic: Traditions Task: 1-2 minute speech about a traditional Chinese holiday or celebration (wedding). Include: kinds of food that are eaten the significance of the day how you celebrate it with your family. Recite the Dr Seuss passage: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Story Telling Basic Structure: Introduction: Attention getter preview Main Points: chronological order of story Conclusion: review moral of the story thanks
Introduction 1. Attention-Getters (must be related to your subject) * state an interesting or startling fact * ask a question * tell a joke * recite a quotation * refer to a recent event * refer to a historic event * say something about the importance of the subject * define your subject 2. Preview (state your subject & main points in a few words
Main Points organize in chronological order organize according to spatial location organize by problem and solution organize by some natural pattern
Conclusion 1. Summarize the main points “In conclusion...” “In a few words...” “As I’ve said...” “In summary...” “So first..., second..., and finally...” 2. Use a clincher (a memorable sentence or two) quotation say something about the importance of your subject say something about your subject in the future call the audience to some kind of action “So the moral of the story is…” 3. Say “thank you” (Don’t say “the end”!)
Storytelling: Wedding Traditions Transition words: Once As soon as First, Secondly After that Next Finally Then At last Since
Wedding Traditions Vocabulary Pre-Wedding Photos Limosine Reception Music Processional The Groom, Groomsmen The Bride, Bridesmaids Exchange of Vows Exchange of Rings Signing of the Registry Wedding Blessings Recessional Buffet Banquet Cutting of the cake A Toast
Reception and Music
Exchange of Rings