MEDIATION RESEARCH & RESOURCES Diane D’Angelo, Reference Librarian
MEDIATION I. General Resources II. Subject Specific Resources III. Finding an Attorney
General Resources Guides &Treatises (hornbooks, nutshells) GuidesTreatises Suffolk Law Library’s online catalogcatalog Cases, Statutes, Regulations (paper, Westlaw, Lexis) Law Reviews (Lexis, Westlaw, LegalTrac, HeinOnline) Suffolk Law Library DatabasesSuffolk Law Library Databases Organizations (see ADR library guide)ADR library guide
General Resources – Key Titles Alternative Dispute Resolution With Forms (Westlaw or KF9084.G7 5 th FL) cases, statutes, covers traditional arbitration as well as mediation, mini-trials, and summary jury trials. Dispute Resolution Ethics: A Comprehensive Guide (ABA) KF 9084.D th FL Mediation: Law, Policy, Practice (Clark Boardman Callaghan) KF 9084.R Law Reserve Mediation in a Nutshell (West) KF9084.Z9 K Law Reserve Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and the Law (Aspen Pub, 2005) KF9084.R Law Reserve Mediation: A Path Back for the Lost Lawyer (ABA, Section of Dispute Resolution, 2005) KF9084.V th FL Mediation: Principles & Practice (West. 2004) KF9084.K Law Reserve Mediation Representation: Advocating in a Problem-Solving Process (Nat’l Institute of Trial Advocacy, 2004) KF9084.A th FL A History of Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Story of a Political, Cultural and Social Movement (Jossey-Bass, 2004) KF9084.B Sawyer Library
MEDIATION I. General Resources √ II. Subject Specific Resources III. Finding an Attorney
Subject Specific Library’s online catalog (family/divorce, securities, labor, business, intellectual property, international)catalog Massachusetts Resources
Massachusetts Mediation and Arbitration (Mass Practice Series, v. 47) Available via Westlaw or KFM 2480.M3 v. 47 Massachusetts Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Reserve KFM H A Guide to Court-Connected Alternative Dispute Resolution Services (Prepared by SJC, Trial Court Standing Committee) Law Reserve KFM C Family Mediation Quarterly (Mass Council on Family Mediation) Law Reserve
MEDIATION I. General Resources √ II. Subject Specific Resources √ III. Finding an Attorney
Finding An Attorney Westlaw, Lexis, Martindale-Hubbell, FindlawMartindale-HubbellFindlaw Subject Specific Directories Review cases, law reviews and legal news articles