WHAT IS FORMATION? FORMATION is FORM and ACTION JESUS IS OUR M ODEL FOR FORMATION Personally formed His Apostles and Disciples. Formation consists in taking and giving the form of Christ. Jesus Christ is our Formation Manual.
Main Problems of Formation Today 1. Formation is not sufficiently centered. 2. Too intellectual or too devotional. 3. Election does not insure good Formation.
Main Problems of Formation Today 4. One way transmission of: Catechetical Notions; Devotional Practices and Narrations. 5. Done without: Verification; Discernment of vocation and Understanding of the SFO. 6. SUMMARY
T HE HEART AND THE GOAL OF FORMATION The Formation, implemented by a formator, must be a living and impelling transmission of: faith; personal discovery of God; truths that give sense to our life, experience of living in Christ: joy of our common vocation and desire to accomplish God’s project for us.
T HE HEART AND THE GOAL OF FORMATION Basic Christian understanding. A living relationship with Jesus. A process of discerning a vocation. A way to provide and reinforce the tools and insights toward a true transformation. Francis is the model of how to follow Jesus.
Period of Formation Primary Objectives Spiritual growth. Discernment. Provide resources. Prepare for commitment.
WHAT FORMATION IS NOT Academic. Culture. Impersonal. Manuals etc. Devotions. Catechism. Highly intellectual.
From Fitz our National Formation Director Our gift to the Church. Personal. Vocation and spirituality. Priorities.