Teachers’ Survey Report
Section 1: Background of Teachers Maximum numbers of participating teachers were from cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Vadodara etc. 2
Grades Taken Highest number of teachers from grades 6 – 9. 3
Type of Schools 70% of participating schools were privately held, much higher than government or public schools 4
Gender Break up Almost two thirds of participating teachers were female. 5
Age Group 58% of teachers were aged between 20 – 30 years 6
Mode of transport 7
Marital status / Family background Most teachers were married and lived in either nuclear families or joint families. 8
Teacher’s Individual Involvement 9
Families’ Involvement 10 Yearly involvement in various service projects was much higher compared to involvement in Religious/Spiritual Projects
Getting Started: Source of Information about DFC 11 Most teachers came to know about DFC through school authorities like director, principal or colleague teachers.
Reasons for participating in DFC 12 Almost half the teachers felt that it is very important for their students to learn about community needs of environment, education, etc and hence decided to participate in DFC.
Time spent with students / self hours was the maximum time spent by teachers in helping their students to successfully carry out various community service projects. Most teachers spent up to 5 hours working by themselves at their schools to help their students with community service work.
14 Almost 72% of teachers used DFC website at least once. Out of them most of them used the website 5 – 10 times and found whatever information they were looking for. Usage of DFC Website
15 Nature of Community needs addressed Environmental issues ranging from cleanliness, excessive use of plastic bags to global warming was most commonly felt community need closely, followed by various education and literacy related issues like educating poor children and need to make illiterate parents understand the importance of education.
Time taken in different legs of DFC 16
Work done with students 17 While helping with ideation and doing the actual work were the easiest and most enjoyable for the teachers, helping students with documenting their work was the least enjoyable.
Different legs of DFC Planning & organizing what to do and doing the actual work were the toughest legs of DFC. 18 The effect doing community service project had on students and helping them wit their work was the best thing about DFC according to teachers.
Resources required 19 Almost 58% of teachers felt the resources they had were enough to carry out such work.
Ranking - the most favourite 20 Helping the Community and students gaining new skills / knowledge were amongst the most favourite thing that the teachers found when their students participated in the DFC.
Reasons for Winning / Not winning 21 Most teachers believe that creative thinking and coming up with an innovative solution for a community need helped them win DFC. Maximum teachers whose student groups did not win chose not to answer this question, others felt it was bad luck or lack of creative thinking because of which their students did not win.
Virtues children learnt Design for Giving '0922 Besides this 52% teachers believed that their students were highly motivated by this work and almost 92% believed that their students will want to do more of community service after participating in DFG contest.
How DFC helped self 23 Most teachers agree that DFC taught them how to teach their students ways to make real difference and make them compassionate and understanding towards the needs of community.
Important problems in the community Design for Giving '0924 Education and illiteracy is the most important problem according to maximum teachers.
DFC helped me discover about students / myself 25 Most of the teachers were highly surprised by the strength and understanding they discovered in their students through DFC. Most teachers felt empowered and also discovered the joy and contentment giving brings.
26 Thank You