The heart responds and the head confirms ‘Telling our story’ neelam makhijani National Director, ChildFund India August 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

The heart responds and the head confirms ‘Telling our story’ neelam makhijani National Director, ChildFund India August 2014

background We have a story to tell -how do we tell this story and most importantly where will magic come from? We are accomplishing great things and have big ideas to support the communities we work in. Yet, at times, we struggle to attract potential donors for our work. What is it we can do better? This interactive session will take you through steps from telling your story to daring and achieving your dream.

understanding fundraising and philanthropy Fundraising – a servant of philanthropy Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving: Hank Rosso Raising resources for the support of an organization, cause, person or animal A necessary part of a non-profit organization’s life cycle but not the main objective The means to the end - the real goal is to reach those in need Bringing together people, communities for a need and opportunity

knowing your organizational galaxy Make no mistake – we operate in complex environments that are shaped by many forces and influences Mission and purpose Values Strategy Structures Culture

people we meet in our journey?

people we meet in our journey Volunteers committees, support groups, Board Donors and Supporters individuals, groups, companies, foundations, government Others team, related entities, suppliers, regulators, media, public

Why do we need a case for support?

There is enormous growth in the region in: wealth philanthropy based on regional and overseas models competition amongst NGO’s and Universities and Cultural institutions for private funds – and now governments the need to make organisations as distinctive as possible in order to maximise fundraising income opportunities to use Major Gifts to raise the fundraising game and reach new targets opportunities

A Case for Support is therefore needed for any serious fundraising programme if you are going to: add real value in comparison with other types of fundraising compete against arguments for other types of funding inspire donors to make large donations win volunteer fundraising leaders who will give time and money to make you successful but you still have to convince your donors why they should give to you!!!

Because causes they support address their concerns: To make changes for the better To articulate a clear vision To offer reciprocation To show benefit To add value For their region or country For their organisation For their community For their beliefs For themselves For the world step back and ask yourself: why do donors give in the first place

How? It has to be donor-focused: It must satisfy their Need To Give and It must satisfy their Motivation To Give the case for support has to make donors want to give

Because they are not asked!!! but what is the main reason people don’t give?

The Reasons To Be Asked …and in a really compelling way!! therefore, above all, the case for support has to put forward

What is a Case for Support? The Case has to: prove the financial need Emphasise impact and benefits to society and donors

Writing an Outline Case for Support

6. Case for Support how you convince donors to fill your Funding Gap 5. Funding Gap why you need donors to help you realise your Needs 4. Your Needs what you need to enhance your Mission/realise your Vision 3. Your Vision where your organisation wants to be in 5/10/25 years’ time 2. Your Track Record where you have implemented your Mission best 1. Your Mission who you are, what is your purpose and distinctiveness climb the ladder!

Firstly, clearly articulate your Mission, your Track Record and a distinctive Vision: who you are + what you do well + where you want to go Only then produce a list of Needs and fundraising Projects Lastly, package those Needs into a persuasive argument for private funding to satisfy Donors don’t fall off the ladder by missing a single rung!

The Outline Case is the best place to start, as you need to articulate the essence of what you want to raise money for, even if you expand it later on Here is a skeleton format for an Outline Case for Support that can be adapted to your own language and circumstances It has 9 parts: each part can be written as a separate piece, and then all the pieces stitched together writing an outline case for support

1. Brief but inspiring summary of your Vision - where you intend to be in 10 years’ time – what is the ‘impossible dream’ you want to achieve 2. Where you have come from – a small amount of history to give context and depth to your argument 3. Where you are now Your Mission: what is distinctive about you, the benefits that your organisation conveys to society Your Track Record of Success: your impact on the world, on staff, stakeholders, beneficiaries a 9-part skeleton for an outline case

4. Where you want to go – Your Vision: detail of your ambition: who will benefit, what will be the impact on society 5. What obstacles you have to overcome – what issues you have to address before you can enhance your Mission and realise your Vision, and what might happen if you fail 6. What you need in order to overcome those obstacles – Your Needs: the solution to the problem: what must happen to overcome these obstacles so you will be able to enhance your Mission and realise your Vision

7. How you intend to get there – Your Funding Gap: outline overall funding options for securing what you need (including organisational and public funds) + how private funds will be essential to success + how you will deliver benefits to donors 8. Make a Call to Action – name the fundraising programme, give it a ‘working’ goal and a timeframe, and state who are your target donor constituencies 9. Present your Fundraising Projects - in outline only: summarise the different elements for which you want to raise money, the key benefits, the costs and the opportunities for recognising donors

Thank you…