Explorers Review. I believed I could find Asia by sailing west from Europe. I landed in the Bahamas and called the people “Indians.” Who am I? Answer:


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Presentation transcript:

Explorers Review

I believed I could find Asia by sailing west from Europe. I landed in the Bahamas and called the people “Indians.” Who am I? Answer: Christopher Columbus

I traveled up the St. Lawrence River. I wanted to set up a fur trade there. I told the King of France about my discovery, but I didn’t establish the fur trade. Who am I? Answer: Jacques Cartier

I was an Italian explorer, but worked for the King of France. I explored South Carolina and headed north into New York Bay. Who am I? Answer: Giovanni da Verrazano

I was a French explorer who built a permanent settlement along the St. Lawrence River. I called it Quebec. I set up a fur trade there. Who am I? Answer: Samuel de Champlain

I am a European explorer who worked for the Dutch trading company. I sailed in NY Bay and sailed up a river to what is now Albany. Who am I? Answer: Henry Hudson

The amount of something being offered by producers for sale is called? Answer: supply

A measure of how many customers want to buy what producers are selling is called? Answer: demand

A ____________ is a person who journeys to the unknown for the purpose of discovery. Answer: explorer

Explorers who travel by sea are called? Answer: maritime explorers

The science of planning and following a route is referred to as ________. Answer: navigation

The science of planning and following a route is referred to as ________. Answer: navigation

Fill in the cardinal directions on the compass rose. N W E S

What is meant by the term, Silk Road? Answer: Trading had become commonplace during the 15 th century. As a result, a land route referred to as the “silk road” was established by traders and merchants. This route made trade possible between European countries and China. However, this route took a great deal of time and was very dangerous. They called it the “silk road” because there was a huge demand for silk, spices, and gold.

List some European countries that funded, or payed for European Exploration. Answer: France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and Italy

Why was the Northwest Passage important? Answer: The explorers wanted to find a faster and safer route to Asia.

What effect did the explorers have on the Native Americans? Answer: Some Native Americans became friends with the explorers and some became enemies of them. They were able to establish a fur trade with some explorers and receive goods from them. Explorers brought disease and sickness with them, as a result many Native Americans died.