Chapter 10 & 11 Civil War & Reconstruction
THE CIVIL WAR The Union Divides The Real War Begins The Goals of War Change Life Goes on Behind the Lines The Road to Peace is Rugged
The Civil War Reconstruction Lincoln takes office, March, states secede (map)... 4 more join the Confederacy (VA, AK, TN, & NC) after shots fired on Fort Sumter, SC
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumnter
Gov’t property seized in the south, Lincoln’s goal: to preserve the Union April, 1861 …Ft. Sumter fired upon by Confederate forces…the war has begun. Copperheads-Northern Dem. oppose the war and Lincoln.
South & Border States
Lincoln seizes control of the border states (MD,MO,KY,&DE) Riots break out in Baltimore, MD Lincoln takes control…martial law declared/habeas corpus suspended North & South – advantages and disadvantages Union call for troops … Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Manassas
Union Plan for wining the War
Northern plan for victory
Weapons/Warships/Strategy Western & Eastern Theaters of Operations Shiloh/New Orleans/2nd Manassas Battle of Antietam, MD...Union Gen. McClellan fails to destroy Lee…the war goes on Southern hopes cling to Great Britain…Trent Affair
Emancipation Proclamation Jan.1863, Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation after the Battle of Antietam and makes destruction of Slavery a war aim Freed only the slaves in Confederacy, discouraged any interference from foreign governments…keeps Great Britain out of the war
The War drags on South/Cotton & England/Neutral African-Americans are enlisted. Ex. 54th Mass. as seen in “Glory” Draft/Conscription is used to raise the necessary troops for N & S
Frederick Douglas Black Abolitionist Urged Lincoln to recruit former slaves to fight in the Union Army
Substitutes/Deserters…bonus paid to recruits…Draft Riots in NY 1863 “Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight” Radical Republicans - believed that slavery was the main reason for the war…their power increases in the elections of 62, 64, & 1866
South suffers shortages Topics: Greenbacks/Women in the workplace/Homestead Act/Clara Barton & Red Cross…Dorthea Dix, U.S. Sanitary Commission/ P.O.W.’s & Andersonville…wars impact on western expansion and the Trans- continental Railroad
Lee & Grant
Robert E. Lee Confederate General The Army of Northern Virginia opposed secession, but did not believe that the Union should be held together by force. Urged southerners to accept defeat and unite as Americans after the collapse at Appomattox
Ulysses S. Grant Commander of the Union Forces Won victories over the South after several Union commanders had failed before him “Total War” Hero of the Civil War and future President
Gettysburg Turning Point of the Civil War
Gettysburg Address Lincoln thought the Civil War was a struggle to preserve a nation that was dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal” and that was ruled by a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg & Vicksburg, 7/1863 March of Grant becomes Union commander, unconditional surrender & total war Sherman’s “March to the Sea” Captures Atlanta in Sept., 1864 Lincoln wins the 1864 election
Last battles of the Civil War
Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address “with malice towards none, with charity for all…to bind up the nations wounds”
The Civil War Ends
Grant turns attention on Richmond Confederate capitol falls on April 2nd, 1865…Davis escapes south Surrounded and out numbered, Lee surrenders the Army of Virginia at Appomattox Courthouse on April 7th…the war is over The South lay in ruin
Appomattox Court House April 9 th, 1865
Lincoln Assassinated On April 12 th, while attending a play, President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th President of the United States Johnson wants what Lincoln wanted Radical Republicans control plans for Reconstruction Johnson and Congress fight openly Office Tenure Act and Johnson’s Impeachment by Congress
Radical Republicans seek to punish the South and keep it weak Black Codes/5 military districts formed/Sharecropping & Tenant farming Freedmen’s Bureau Carpetbaggers & Scalawags Congress attempts to guarantee voting & civil rights to blacks
13 th Amendment ends slavery in th Amendment provides equal protection under the law th Amendment provides suffrage for African Americans – 1870 Grant (scandal) Election of 1876
Reconstruction period ends Former Confederates take control of the Democratic Party to regain power “Jim Crow” Era begins…almost 100 years of denying full rights of citizenship to blacks
Economic & Social Impact of the Civil War The South would remain a poor, agriculturally based economy The North emerged with strong and growing industrial economies The U.S. will become a global economic power by the 20 th century