DISD Summer Training 2011
Learn how to access podcasts from iTunes U. Subscribe to a podcast in iTunes. Learn how to record audio, video, and screen recordings using Quicktime. Learn how to create a podcast using Keynote. Learn how to record in Garage Band. Learn how to upload content and embed to share online. Create a podcast and post to your blog to use for next school year.
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What are you interested in learning today? What podcasts have you subscribed to? Have you recorded podcasts?
iTunes U — a powerful distribution system for everything from lectures to language lessons, films to labs, audiobooks to tours — is an innovative way to get educational content into the hands of students.
Great for students and institutions. Simple to use. Great Resources……………… Let’s see what we can find for next school year.
Consider Audience Create Narration and Script Decide on format…. Audio only, Video, Screen Recording, etc…… Choose appropriate location Record Narration Add pictures if not a video or screen recording. Upload to blog or web server.
Create a one minute script on a topic that you can use at the beginning of school. Create a podcast using Quicktime, Keynote, or Garage Band. Share your podcast to iTunes using an appropriate format: iPod, Medium Movie, etc.
Publish your completed podcast to your blog. Embed a podcast from iTunes to your blog. Post reflections to Today’s Meet.