Class of 2015 Columbia High School WELCOME TO YOUR SOPHMORE CONFERENCE!! Class of 2015 Columbia High School
Who is your school counselor? Derrick Evans/678-874-0828 He does not bite You are not always in trouble when he sends for you There may not be an academic issue when he sends for you He may just want to check and see how you are doing (socially, emotionally, behaviorally, or academically)
How do I plan for my future? Essential Question How do I plan for my future?
Important Information! The Val and Sal are selected by DeKalb County based on 1st semester grades of the Senior year. The Star Student is selected based on the highest SAT scores received by December of the Senior year. Colleges will still look at 2nd semester grades of the Senior year, and they can change the status of your acceptance letter
Let’s talk about… Reading your transcript STEPS TO REACHING GOAL Reading your transcript Knowing where you stand with graduation requirements Knowing your HOPE status Finding information on careers Finding careers that match your interests Learning what type of training is needed for careers
Transcript Check Find your GPA Find the number of credits earned Make sure all credits earned (including middle school credits) are on your transcript Check your transcript against the graduation requirements
PLEASE ATTEND !! We are no longer allowed to place students in core classes they have failed Students can attend summer school or take courses online through DeKalb Online Academy
What classes count for HOPE? All classes that begin with the following numbers… 23.x English 27.x Mathematics 26.x Science 40.x Science 45.x Social Studies 60.x Foreign Language
HOPE rigor requirements for class of 2015 Students must pass 2 courses from the following types of courses: Advanced Math Advanced Science Advanced Placement (AP) Advanced Foreign Language
Is there HOPE for me? VISIT:
Clearinghouse Students must be cleared in order to play collegiate sports Students must register, pay fee, send SAT/ACT test scores, and transcripts in order to qualify A certain GPA must meet a certain score on ACT/SAT (Sliding Scale) Have no worry!! I will help you with this process!!
SAT/Scholastic Aptitude Test Tests verbal and math skills in 6 sections 3 hours in length Multiple choice plus a grid-in section on the math portion College Board does not recommend a student to take the official SAT until the 2nd semester of their 11th grade school year Does not test grammar or spelling
ACT/American College Testing Tests English, math, reading, and science reasoning in 4 subtests 2 hours and 55 minutes in length All multiple choice/does have a writing portion that’s optional Heavy focus on grammar; does not test spelling or vocabulary ACT does not recommend a student to take the official test until the 2nd semester of their 11th grade school year
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test Skills based test; does not mean that you will join the military Highly recommended that you take the test during your junior or senior year