PH4705 & ET4305 Instrumentation 2 Instrumentation & Control Prof. Tim Hall
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Control: We will limit our work to an introduction to classical control with an introductory study of PID control, theory, analogue and digital implementation, with some typical example systems.
PH4705 & ET4305: Timetable Lectures: Monday 9:00 B2011 (will be used for an occasional tutorial). Friday 12:00 B2011 Lab: Wednesday 9:00-11:00 B2011 Labs start Wk2
PH4705 & ET4305: Main Topics Systems design approach Review sensors and actuators Signal conditioning Distortion and noise Signal capture and transfer (Control and feedback)
PH4705 & Et4305; Lab Topics Examples of classic Instrumentation systems Signal conditioning (using OpAmps) Electronic sensors LabView Project (using LabView)
PH4705 & ET4305: Learning Approach and Assessment We will work mainly by Project Assignments (PBL) A key element of lab work will be gaining familiarity with LabView Assessment: Three assignment plus LabView exam –Sensors Review 10% –ECG 20% –Individual Project 40% –LabView exam 30%
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Physical quantities are either continuous (change smoothly for one value to another) or, they are discrete (change abruptly from one value to another).
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Physical quantities are usually represented (converted to) electrical signals so that they may be measured, manipulated, stored, displayed or responded to.
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Physical worldElectrical world Continuous signalAnalogue Discrete signalDigital (usually binary)
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Any useful electrical/electronic system will process input signals to produce a useful output of information/data or feedback/control. Note that in many of today’s systems signals are sensed as, or converted to digital as soon as possible, and all processing is digital even if the input and output are analogue. Digital Signal Processing – DSP. Beyond the scope of our module
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Unwanted signals, distortion and noise, impose (major) constraints on system performance. Both analogue and digital systems are affected. Standard design techniques are used to minimize the problems.
PH4705 & ET4305: Key Ideas Instrumentation system design normally follows a top-down approach. Standard building blocks and techniques simplify designs. Computer based design tools – circuit simulation, maths packages – complement the designer’s skill but do not replace it!