Database Status and Progress Dave Robinson, SCT Week, September 2003 Overview New Developments - Metrology & Datasheet uploads/reporting - Module Quality Summary - Module ‘Signoff’ Upload Progress - Review of Procedures - Status of UK-B uploads This talk is available to download from
Database Actions by each Cluster Sensor-Baseboard Assembly Receive Sensors Receive bmBB Hybrid Assembly Receive Hybrid Receive ASICs Module Assembly Send bmSB Datasheet Assembly Datasheet Assembly SCTDAQ Datasheet Assembly SCTDAQ XY Metrology Z Metrology QA Institute SCTDAQ Macro Assembly SCTDAQ Send bmHASIC Receive bmHASIC Receive bmSB Send bmMODULE Receive bmMODULE Assembly Baseboard QC Sensor QC Datasheet Sensor Data ASIC QC Hybrid QC Send bmBB Send Sensors Receive Sensors Uploads Shipments Quality
Summary of Upload Utilities ActionStatus Item RegistrationReady ShipmentsReady Assembly UploadsReady SCTDAQ UploadsReady Metrology UploadsReady Datasheet UploadsReady Module Quality DataIn Progress Module Signoff DataIn Progress ProfilesNot yet started SCTDAQ Uploader: All other uploads:
Datasheet Uploads Eg XY metrology datasheet 1. Select datasheet type 2. Enter range of serial numbers
Application searches (in spreadsheet directory defined in your Preferences) for files with name XYSURVEY_ _dd.xls and extracts the data All metrology parameters are query-able (and sheet itself is uploaded as a tab-delimited file)
XY Metrology Reporting To generate a spreadsheet of any xy metrology parameters for any number of modules, tick the checkboxes of the parameters and click on ‘View Data’ To generate a spreadsheet of all data for a particular metrology measurement, select the line in the table and click on ‘Full Data’:
To generate a spreadsheet of any z metrology parameters for any number of modules, tick the checkboxes of the parameters and click on ‘View Data’ To generate a spreadsheet of all data for a particular metrology measurement, select the line in the table and click on ‘Full Data’: Z Metrology Reporting
Module Quality Upload Review of SCTDAQ data (warm and cold characterisations, long term tests, IVs) to summarise the overall performance of the module. SCTDAQ information is not sufficient by itself to enable an evaluation of the electrical performance. IV PerformanceGood or FAIL IV CommentsComments on IVs and long term current stability Electrical PerformanceGood or FAIL Electrical CommentsComments on warm and cold characterisations and LTT. S Curves CategoryGood Wiggles at –ve threshold Wiggles at +ve threshold Wiggles above 0.45fC S Curves CommentComment on S curves To be uploaded by the institute after all SCTDAQ tests of the module are completed.
Upload of Module Quality Information Note: Only one set of information permitted per institute (can modify previously uploaded comments/categories, but not enter two different sets of comments/categories)
Signoff Data When all tests of a module are completed, and prior to macro-assembly, a module needs to be ‘signed off’ with the following information: CategoryGood, Pass or FAIL Barrel Assignment‘Any’ or B5/6 Overall CommentGeneral comments Reason for FAIL (if category is FAIL) Sensors Damaged Baseboard Damaged Gross mechanical error Abnormal leakage Too many bad channels ASICs non-replaceable Others... Reason for B5/6 assignment (if B5/6) Preseries Sensors Microdischarge>350V Poor current behaviour Bad visual features Hybrid Tdiff>2C Facing angle b>3mrad Others...
Uploading Signoff Data 1. Module Signoff tab 2. Fill details and upload
Module Summary Report Information Source for Signoff Data
Upload Procedures Barrel specific utilities SCTDAQ uploads Reporting Interface Guide to using the barrel utilities at ~silicon/presentations/Barrels_Mar03.ppt (talk given at March ’03 Barrel meeting) Item Registration Shipments Assembly SCTDAQ Metrology Datasheets High Priority Uploads Lower Priority Uploads
Uploading SCTDAQ Data Define WEB_KEY in /macros/parameters.h to ensure that the plots are available via the database - The web link must be valid for the lifetime of the SCT! - In UK-B, all plots are archived to RAL server, and the web link points to a script, not an absolute filepath Eg: Cambridge WEB_KEY is “ Giving a typical web link of: 30_ ps Define LOCATION_NAME in /macros/parameters.h - Default ‘UNKNOWN’ is not a valid location! If you have already taken a lot of SCTDAQ data with the WEB_LINK or LOCATION undefined, I can provide a script to retrospectively insert the data back into your SCTDAQ result files.
Uploading from Excel Data files Assembly Information Metrology Datasheets Java application attempts to match keywords in the spreadsheets to find and extract the data. When you upload for the first time, there is a chance of errors due to spelling mistakes and/or wrong formatting of the spreadsheets. If this happens, send me a copy of the spreadsheet to help me identify the problem, and then either: - you must change the spelling and/or format of your sheets OR - I will modify the java code to recognise your ‘local’ features Ideally the spreadsheets should be generated by a script to avoid the possibility of random spelling/format errors.
Item Registration100% SensorsSensor DataSCT+Hamamatsu ASICsASIC/Wafer100% SCTDAQ DataModule100% HybridsNot yet MetrologyXYIn progress Z AssemblySensor- Baseboard 100% Hybrid100% Module100% DatasheetsBaseboardsNone bmSBNone bmHPCNone bmHASICNone bmMODULENone Visual InspectionsWaiting upload tools Quality DataWaiting upload tools Signoff DataWaiting upload tools UK-B Upload Status
Module Sensor-Baseboard Baseboard Sensor ASIC Hybrid Sensor Passive Hybrid ASIC Barrel Module Assembly Tree Note: to assemble a device in the database from its various components, the serial number of the device and all the components must be registered and shipped to the same location. Eg before an institute can assemble a hybrid, it must receive a shipment (or shipments) containing all 12 ASICs and the unpopulated hybrid.