September 11, 2012 Stephenson Middle School Mathematics Department
Thinking Map Circle Map – Used to generate relevant information about a topic Married Holland GEORGIA Teaching (26yrs) Retire Travel around the world Sports Travel Home Interest(s) Work Life Goal(s) US Navy (27yrs)
Common Core, Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)
The CCGPS are Aligned with expectations for college and career success. Consistent across all states, so that students are not taught to a lower standard just because of where they live. Realistic, for effective use in the classroom. Evidence and research-based.
GPS versus CCGPS Since Georgia had already developed rigorous college and career ready standards, there are many elements of the Georgia Performance Standards found in the Common Core Standards. Therefore, the use of the new standards in Georgia will not be a drastic change for either teachers or students. The underlying purpose of the CCGS is to build on the strength of current state standards to prepare students to succeed in college English and math without the need for remediation.
Quick Links Georgia's Curriculum Website: Common Core State Standards Initiative: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC): National PTA Common Core State Standards Initiative:
Math CRCT Weights – Spring 2013 CCGPS Numbers and Operations Geometry & Measurement GeometryAlgebra Probability & Data Analysis 6th Grade 28%19%N/A35%18% 7th Grade 23%N/A23%36%18% 8th Grade 20%N/A20%48%12%
National Common Assessment Curriculum Curriculum Awareness and Preparation for Transition Teach CCGPS K-12 ELA and K-9 Math Teach CCGPS K-12 ELA and K-10 Math Teach CCGPS K-12 ELA and K-11 Math State Assessment Field Test CCGPS Items (CRCT) Transitional Assessment with CCGPS Items State Assessment with CCGPS Items State Assessments for Science and Social Studies Only National Assessment Pilot National Common Assessment (PARCC) Field Test National Common Assessment (PARCC) National Common Assessment for ELA, Writing, and Math (PARCC)
The textbook is available online at 6 th Grade Code: amk th Grade Code: ank th Grade Code: apk0099
GaDOE--Mathematics GaDOE Frameworks --developed to assist teachers in the implementation of the standards CRCT Study CRCT Practice
Math Tutorials for Mrs. Holland Tutoring has already begun! A written pass from the teacher is required. MonTuesWedThurFri 8:00 - 8:15 Room 412
Desired results: acquire, understand and use new vocabulary in MATH participate in discussions related to STANDARDS use research and technology to support STANDARDS Master Basic Skills Integers Fractions, Decimals and Percents Equations Algebra Geometry Data Analysis and Probability Master the standardsPass the CRCT Math Tools/Title 1 and EXTENDED LEARNING TIME (ELT)
F. Y. I. Math homework is assigned at least 4 times per week Check Parent Portal weekly Progress reports issued every 4 1/2 weeks Portfolios maintained in each math class Student are expected to bring their Interactive notebooks to class each day Benchmark Assessments are conducted twice a semester
Math Department Webpage Helpful Math Websites Connected Math Textbook Assistance Basic Skills Everyone Should Know! Math Department Tutorials Math Department Goals ms.html
By the end of 6 th grade, students will be able to: Understand ratio concepts Divide fractions by fractions Find the common factors and multiples Apply algebraic expressions Solve one variable equations and inequalities Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables Solve real world problems involving area, surface area, and volume Develop understanding of statistical variability Summarize and describe distributions
Weighted Averages Classwork: 40% Assessments: 30% Homework: 10% Portfolio: 10% Final: 10%
Questions? Classroom #