SENG 422 Lab 5 An Introduction to XML Time: ELW B220 from (4:00 - 6:50) every Tuesday TA: Philip Baback Alipour Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical, Computer Engineering and Quantum Physics, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, CA Office: ELW Room # A358
SENG 422 Lab 5 An Introduction to XML - XML, or Extensible Markup Language is a markup language using which you can create your own tags. - XML was created to overcome the shortcomings of HTML
WHY XML? -HTML was designed for humans not machines (high level representation of data). -In HTML browser just follows the instructions and does not understand the content (information traversing across www).
WHY XML? - XML Separates Data from HTML - XML Simplifies Data; SharingXML Simplifies Data Sharing - XML Simplifies Platform Changes
A Comparison XML Separates Data from HTML
An Example - A tag is the text between the brackets ( ). Such as and ) - An element is the starting tag, the ending tag, and everything in between. - An attribute is a name-value pair inside the starting tag of an element. In this example, state is an attribute of the element.
Some Rules - The root element: Everything should be inside one element - No overlapping between elements - End tags are required - Elements are case sensitive
Data Definition Two Methods: - Document Type Definition - XML Schema
XML Schema - XML schemas use XML syntax - XML schemas support data types - XML schemas are extensible - XML schemas have more expressive power
Schema Example r
Assignment Create a schema for a checklist. It may contain the following: - Surveyor ID - Location - Weather - Last Modification Date