Yesterday you learned: A history of psychology Schools of Psychology ▪ Structuralism- Wilhelm Wundt ▪ Functionalism- William James ▪ Behaviorism- John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner ▪ Gestalt- Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Kohler ▪ Psychoanalysis- Sigmund Freud
Today you will learn: Contemporary Perspectives ▪ Biological ▪ Cognitive ▪ Humanistic ▪ Psychoanalytic ▪ Learning ▪ Sociocultural
Today we no longer find psychologists identifying themselves in a certain school Historical traditions find expression in contemporary perspectives of psychology Each perspective emphasizes different topics of investigation and has different approaches
Emphasizes the influence of biology on our behavior Assume mental processes and behaviors are made possible by the nervous system Certain chemicals in the brain help storage of information Study the influence of genes on personality traits like artistic talent, psychological health and behavior patterns
Emphasizes the role played by thoughts in determining behavior Investigates ways in which people perceive information and make mental images of the world, solve problems, dream, and daydream Says working memories are like a computer People need certain cues to retrieve information from their long-term memories Believes behavior is influenced by values, interpretations, and choices
Stresses the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the importance of consciousness, self- awareness and ability to make choices as the force that shapes personality Considers people’s personal experiences as most important aspect of psychology We are free to choose our own behavior View people as good and helpful to others Critics say inner experiences unsuitable for measurement
Stresses the influence of unconscious forces on human behavior This was based on Freud’s school of thought Freud believed aggressive impulses are reactions to daily frustrations We fear retaliation so we put them out of our minds. However this sets us up for a big explosion Today, focuses less on unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses and more on conscious choice and self-direction
Emphasizes the effects of experience and observation on behavior on individual development Behaviorists and Social Learning Theorists are within this perspective Behaviorists believe that learning comes from reinforcement Social Learning believes that learning comes from observation and changing your environment
Ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status have a significant impact on human behavior and mental processes These factors create individual differences
Today you learned: Contemporary Perspectives ▪ Biological ▪ Cognitive ▪ Humanistic ▪ Psychoanalytic ▪ Learning ▪ Sociocultural
Chapter Test Psychological Methods: Research