Autumn 2010e-Learning & Information Management ICT Subject Leaders’ Update Autumn Term 2010
This afternoon 1.30 pm 1. Introduction, explore Primary ICT Blog 1.45pm 2. e-safety E-safety in your school 360 Safe ROAR resources and Know-it-all e-Sense Progression Digital Literacy Information Detectives Facebook advice Planning for e-Safety 2.30 pm 3. Teach-It 3.00pm 4. Somerset Learning Platform Using documents, alerts, calendar Shared resources ICT survey Fronter collaborative spaces 2Simple Online Tools Training Coming soon in SLP – assessment
Primary ICT Blog on … Somerset Learning Platform
E-safety What does it look like in your school?
South Gloucestershire checklist What areas do you need to address? /curriculum - e-safety
360 Safe Whole school approach to e-safety Register with DCSF number Start with Education element Headteacher and Governor involvement
360 Safe
Staff Training Report from University of Plymouth based on the 700 schools registered with 360 Dr Andy Phippen of the School of Management, University of Plymouth, “We can say with authority that staff training is consistently one of the weakest aspects of online safety practice in schools.”
Resources to support Staff Training ROAR and Know-it-all
e-Sense Progression Copyright strand Higher expectations for younger children e.g. passwords; search engines
KS1 – MeOnline Searching the Internet Resources to support e-sense ROAR
KS2/3 – UsOnline Searching the Internet Resources to support e-sense ROAR
Digital Literacy - Becta Define Find Evaluate Create Communicate
Embedding digital literacy across the curriculum e.g. In Maths, Science, Art... Provides instead a rationale, potential strategies and practical examples for schools to draw on. Digital Literacy - Futurelab
“Digital literacy is an important entitlement for all young people in an increasingly digital culture. It furnishes children and young people with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them to take a full and active part in social, cultural, economic, civic and intellectual life now and in the future.” access a broad range of practices and cultural resources make and share meaning in different modes and formats create, collaborate and communicate effectively understand how and when digital technologies can best be used to support these processes. Digital Literacy - Futurelab
Resources to support Digital Literacy Information Detectives
Facebook advice Protecting your Professional Identity E-Safety Live CPD event 24 November Buckfast Abbey, Devon 25 November Avon and Somerset Police HQ, Portishead, Bristol 18 January The Cedars, Barnstaple, North Devon 19 January Best Western Royal Chase Hotel, Shaftesbury
Further support ICT curriculum website E-safety in a Primary School Courses 6 th December 2010 – Oaklands Training Centre 9 th December 2010 – Hestercombe House
Teach-It p. 8 p. 139 p. 154 p. 81
Free training until December 2010 for SLP and Fronter 4 x ½ day SLP (introduction and developing use) 3 x ½ day Fronter (one a term) Other dates for courses advertised on SiX Book the training Explore the possibilities Share the outcomes Somerset Learning Platform
E-Learning & Information Management Somerset Learning Platform use at High Ham One place for planning, policies and report writing Data sticks no longer used by members of staff Increasing efficiency including informing job share, planning documents, all staff adding bulletins Transparency for members of staff Staff pulling information rather than head teaching pushing information Head teacher in one place working with school, governors and CLP Head teacher adding notices to website during snow
Learner as collaboratorLearner as creator Learner as investigator Learner as consumer Taking responsibility for your own learning Finding out independently and together Having an audience and a purpose Working with anyone, anywhere
Key Actions