26 May, 2011Delegation of the European Union Tajikistan 1 Sector Policy Support Programme Social Protection
26 May, 2011Delegation of the European Union Tajikistan 2 Sector Policy Support Programme Social Protection Comprehensive approach instead of many narrow and disconnected interventions Combination of several financing modalities: Budget Support, Technical Assistance and Grants to NGOs
26 May, 2011Delegation of the European Union Tajikistan 3 Sector Policy Support Programme Social Protection Direct and untargeted Sector Budget Support € 17,5 million - Treasury Account of the Tajik Government Period of 2009/2012 Disbursement after fulfilment of conditions TA projects NGO grants supporting reforms at grassroots level
26 May, 2011Delegation of the European Union Tajikistan 4 Sector Policy Support Programme Social Protection Technical assistance Three TA projects in Social Protection area: Support to Labour Market Policy Development Support to Design of Targeted Social Assistance Support to Development of Social Services Two TA projects in PFM area: MTEF/Budget Development of Internal Financial Control in Public Sector Multi Donor Trust Fund Support to Public Finance Management Modernisation Project (PFM Strategy implementation) administered by the World Bank One TA project attached to budget support operations in MoF
26 May, 2011Delegation of the European Union Tajikistan 5 Sector Policy Support Programme Social Protection Grants Areas supported with grants for NGOs: Capacity building of local NGOs in social service delivery Training of social workers Campaign against stigma towards people with disabilities and other vulnerable categories of the population