10 October 2001 Global advanced networking connectivity Heather Boyles Heather Boyles


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Presentation transcript:

10 October 2001 Global advanced networking connectivity Heather Boyles Heather Boyles

Outline Very brief intro to Internet2 international program What’s the status of advanced networking in the rest of the world? Minus U.S., Canada (see other presentations)

Internet2 International Goals Ensure global interoperability of the next generation of Internet technologies and applications Enable global collaboration in research and education providing/promoting the development of an advanced networking environment internationally

International Partners Build effective partnerships in other countries With organizations of similar goals/objectives and similar constituencies Mechanism: Memoranda of Understanding

International MoU Partners AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) APAN-KR (Korea) ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CANARIE (Canada) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET (China) CUDI (Mexico) DANTE (Europe) DFN-Verein (Germany) GIP RENATER (France) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) INFN-GARR (Italy) Israel-IUCC (Israel) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NORDUnet (Nordic countries) POL-34 (Poland) RCCN (Portugal) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) RETINA (Argentina) REUNA (Chile) RNP2 (Brazil) SingAREN (Singapore) Stichting SURF (Netherlands) SWITCH (Switzerland) TAnet2 (Taiwan) TERENA (Europe) JISC/UKERNA (UK)

Asia-Pacific AAIREP consortium AARNET APAN: Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia APAN-KR (Korea) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET in China Higher education + research JAIRC: Japan Advanced Internet Research Consortium 10 different networks/testbeds/research projects JUCC (Hong Kong) SingAREN (Singapore) TANET2 (Taiwan) UNINET/NECTEC (Thailand)

Asia to US connectivity (September 2001) CountryNetworkBW(mbps)Interconnect APAN/USTransPAC155STAR TAP AustraliaAARNET310Pacific Wave ChinaCERNET10STAR TAP KoreaKOREN/KREONET245STAR TAP JapanSINET40Abilene, LA JapanWIDE45Abilene, SNVA JapanGEMNET45Abilene, SNVA SingaporeSingAREN27S.T./SNVA TaiwanTANET245STAR TAP ThailandUNINET10Abilene, LA

WIDE IPv6 Connection First IPv6 only connection 45mbps Tokyo to Sunnyvale Connects to Abilene IPv6 router in Sunnyvale DV over IP applications development –Fujitsu at University of Maryland

China (CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET) CERNET University network Dark fiber based –GigaPops: 8 –MigaPops: 36 –Cities connected: 160+ –Members: 800+ –Users: 8M 16x2.5G DWDM system OC48 POS links to 8 cities OC3 POS SDH links to all provincial capitals (except Lhasa)

TransPAC From 155mbps to… OC-12 POS Seattle (Pacific Wave) to Tokyo OC-12 ATM Chicago (StarLight) to Tokyo Together Gbps Tokyo to the US

Pacific Wave Project of the Pacific NorthWest Gigapop 2 gigE switches in telco hotel Interconnecting AARNET, Abilene, CA*net3, DREN, ESNET, TANET2

What are people doing with these networks? TransPAC apps d.b. Telemicroscopy: Osaka Unviersity – UCSD/SDSC collaboration Shared classrooms MIT-Singapore UCLA – Kyoto University

Europe TERENA (Trans European Research and Education Network Association) Membership association of National Research Networks (NRNs) No network, but technology and applications working groups DANTE (Geant) SURFNET (Netherlands) NORDUNET (Nordic Countries) RENATER (France) UKERNA (U.K.) INFN-GARR (Italy) DFN (Germany)

Europe (National Research Networks, cont’d) ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) Israel-IUCC (Israel) POL-34 (Poland) RCCN (Portugal) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) SWITCH (Switzerland)

Europe to US connectivity (September 2001) CountryNetworkBW(mbps)Interconnect BelgiumBELNET155Abilene, NYC CERN 155STAR TAP FranceRENATER45STAR TAP IrelandHEANET310Abilene, NYC/S.T. IsraelIUCC45STAR TAP NetherlandsSURFnet1244Star Light Nordic Countries NORDUnet622Abilene, NYC/S.T. U.K.JANET622Abilene, NYC RussiaMIRnet6STAR TAP EuropeTEN-155/Geant752Abilene, NYC

SURFnet SURFnet5 Just going into production 10gbps 2x622mbps to StarLight (production) Lambda for research (2.5gbps) StarLight counterpart in Amsterdam Source: Erik-Jan Bos

CERN Current link is 155mbps Move to 2 unprotected OC3 links in November April 2002: OC12 Summer 2002: DataTag OC48 (2.4gbps) to StarLight TEN-155 ATM CERN CERN PoP Chicago STARTAP CIXP STM-1 POS ESNET KPNQWEST T3 (21 Mb) STM-1 ATM T3 ATM CERN - North America, today Source: Paolo Moroni, CERN

HEANET Serves the Irish universities (38) Using 2 of several OC3 (155mbps) links to peer in NYC with Abilene Upgrading backbone to 155mbps

NORDUnet Connects together networks of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden Primarily 2.5gbps links Upgraded from 310 to 622 (plus 155 to StarLight (production)) Providing transit to RUNNET (Russia), EENET (Estonia), UARNET (Ukraine) and NASK (Warsaw, Poland)

GEANT Consortium of NRNs in Europe 10gbps European backbone NRN access at 2.5gbps 2x2.5gbps across Atlantic Interconnecting in NYC

Europe - collaborations Middleware Development JISC work in U.K. TERENA working group cross- fertilization QoS exchanges – TEQUILA - QBone CERN experiments Medical Applications NIH and Ireland Shared Classroom Penn and Grenoble Duke in Germany

Americas CANARIE (Canada) CUDI (Corporacion Universitaria para el Desarollo de Internet: México) REUNA (Chile) RETINA (Argentina) SENACYT (Panama) (CRNET, Costa Rica)

Americas Connectivity (September 2001) CountryNetworkBW(mbps)Interconnect CanadaCA*net31.310S.T., Pacific Wave, NYC MexicoRED-CUDI255Tijuana-San Diego (CALREN2), Juarez/El Paso ChileREUNA45AmPATH BrazilRNP245AmPATH

Mexico ~30 members 155mbps backbone (Telmex) Connecting to U.S. via Tijuana – San Diego (with transit from CALREN2 to Abilene) at 155mbps New connection - 100mbps between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso

AmPATH Florida International University and Global Crossing led Potential to connect 10 countries at 45mbps each Peering through Miami (colocated with SFGP) REUNA (Chile) and RNP2 (Brazil) currently connected RETINA (Argentina) soon

RNP mbps backbone 1-155mbps access links 45mbps via AmPATH Additional OC3 to U.S. (30mbps to STAR TAP)

Americas Remote instruments Telescopes in Chile Cosmic ray observatory (P. Auger) in Argentina Earth-observation, environmental apps Apps: s.htm

Africa No dedicated R&E network connectivity from African continent European Commission funding connections from northern Africa to GEANT

10 October 2001 Global Trends and Developments

Internet2 International connectivity Internet2 backbone networks have no non-US infrastructure Primarily, our partners’ networks pay to get to the US NSF provides some funding for 3 international links and one interconnection point TransPAC, EuroLink, MIRnet, STAR TAP

STAR TAP and StarLight Based in Chicago STAR TAP based on AADS (Ameritech) ATM switch StarLight is 3 things A place: colo space at a Northwestern University building North Lakeshore Drive Optical interconnect: optical switching of wavelengths Production peering: bridging to legacy STAR TAP Seattl e Portl and SDSC NCSA NYCNYC SURF net, CERN CA*n et4 Asia- Pacific AMP ATH PSC Atlant a IUIU DTF 40Gb PLR CA*net4 Source: Tom DeFanti, UIUC

International Transit Network (ITN) project Provide transit across North America Cooperation between STAR TAP, CANARIE, Internet2 Has provided connectivity where formerly gaps DANTE/TEN-155, JANET to Asia, etc. Red CUDI to all

Abilene - ITN Internet2 providing transit between non- US networks (and vBNS) across Abilene Implemented on Abilene now with all non-US peer networks No transit to fednets (except vBNS) Direct peering at some interconnects (e.g. DREN, ESNET at Pacific Wave)


A Global Terabit Research Network Currently point to point international connections See more intra-regional connectivity Greater bandwidth across oceans Move toward global backbone?

10 October 2001 Information Resources

ARENA project Atlas of research and education network maps Who’s connected to what network? How are networks connected together? Show me a path between me and my colleague at a university in Germany! Contact information Topology, logical, multicast, etc. maps Funded in part by NSF