ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus1 All Sections MWF 1:00 – 1:50 PM 256 CB Lecture: MW Recitation: F Labs: M or Th Instructor: Prof. David Long Office: CB.


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Presentation transcript:

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus1 All Sections MWF 1:00 – 1:50 PM 256 CB Lecture: MW Recitation: F Labs: M or Th Instructor: Prof. David Long Office: CB Office Hours: See door cards ECEN 301 – Elements of Electrical Engineering

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus2 Course Information  Text (required): G. Rizzoni, “Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering” 5 th Ed  Make use of Blackboard  Grades  Labs  Quizzes  Course website:  Lecture slides  Schedule  Homework Assignments  Complete assigned reading prior to class and attend class!

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus3 Syllabus  Class consists of 2 lectures a week: oMon and Wed – Lecture oReading assignment for each class oFri – Recitation Homework information session Quizzes given Lecture/Exam review

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus4 Organization and Grading  This class consists of reading, lecture, quizzes, homework, labs, midterms, and a final. Each has a weighted contribution to your final grade.  Homework: 10%  Labs: 30%  Quizzes: 5%  Midterms: 30%  Final: 25%

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus5 Grades  Grades are assigned on the following scale* from the composite total of above areas: A=93%C=73% A-=90%C-=70% B+=87%D+=67% B=83%D= 63% B-=80%D-=60% C+=77%E= below 60% * Mean may adjusted upward depending on class performance

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus6 Homework Homework assignments are designed to reinforce class material and help in exam preparation, and lab understanding. On the days that homework assignments are due, the TA will collect them from the homework box (SE corner on the CB 4 th floor) at 4:30 pm. Late homework will be given 50% credit within the first 7 late days. Homework is late if it is not handed in before 4:30 pm on the due date.

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus7 Homework You are welcome and encouraged to discuss the homework with your classmates and others. However, you must do and submit your own work. Submitting someone else’s work is considered cheating for which you will receive an E grade for the class and be reported to the Honor Code Office.

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus8 Labs There are 10 labs designed to emphasize topics discussed in class Run by Lab Instructor (Joe Bussio, office 416 CB) Labs are held in 428 CB and last for 3 hours:  Section 1Mon2 pm - 5 pm  Section 2Th3 pm - 6 pm You will need to purchase a lab kit and lab instructions from 416 CB

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus9 Labs You will work in teams of 2 in the laboratory but each person must keep and submit individual reports A TA must pass-off each lab by the assigned due date Write-ups will be due before the start of the next lab Late labs will be penalized 10% per day for up to 5 days

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus10 Exams (15% per Midterm & 25% Final) Midterms are administered in the testing center The midterms are available for 4 days Two midterms are administered during the course of the semester The final will be given during finals week at the scheduled time Note: university policy forbids giving the exam early – so don’t bother asking!

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus11 Quizzes Quizzes will be administered by TAs on Friday lectures If you have questions about the quizzes please address them to the TA who administered the quiz

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus12 Grade Verification and Appeals Policy It is the student’s responsibility to verify that scores have been correctly recorded. If a lab score is incorrect on Blackboard, then the student should contact the TA who passed off the lab and not the instructor. The student can appeal a grade on a homework through with any TA. The student can appeal a grade on an exam directly to their instructor through .

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus13 Academic Honesty Academic honesty includes completing your own homework, labs, midterms, and final. Students should work together to help each other understand material, but should always turn in their own work. The first violation of academic honesty standards will result in the student failing the class. All violations of academic honesty are documented and reported to the Honor Code office.

Health Considerations Alert your class and/or lab instructor through or by telephone if you have the flu or are showing signs of the flu You should not come to class or go to the testing center if you are or are becoming ill, since your attendance will risk further spread of a serious virus Coordinate with other students to collect any special notes and make up missed work and labs without attending class if needed. Note that lecture notes are posted online Contact your TA or lab instructor to make up quizzes or labs prior to the period should you become ill and cannot attend the lab or recitation section Keep up with the text book reading if you are or think you may become ill Plan on taking exams early during the scheduled time so you don’t have to worry about in case you become ill If you are ill an unable to take the exam on schedule contact your instructor before the close of the schedule exam period

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus15 10% of what I read, 20% of what I hear, 30% of what I see, 50% of what I see and hear, + 70% of what I discuss with others, 80% of what I experience by doing, 95% of what I teach others. I Remember…

ECEN 301Discussion #1 – Syllabus16 Miscellaneous… TA’s Run recitation Help sessions Discussion board Questions?