Hesiod - Theogony
The Theogony is an account of the evolution of the Geek gods Theogony revolves around the concepts of cosmogony: the origins of the world and gods. Theogony means “birth of the Gods” It clarifies the positions of all Gods, Godesseses, demi-gods, demons, humans and heroes in Greek mythology. It is organized as a narrative that tells how they came to be and how they established control. Theogony
In Hesiod’s Theogony, the origin of all the gods is traced to an original primal marriage of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth): “Great Uranos came, bringing on Night, and desirous of love, he spread himself over Gaia, stretched out in every direction” From this union, Gaia bore the first generation of gods and giants, including Cronus. Gaia also gave birth to the mountains and the sea. 1 st generation of gods
Cronus castrated his father with a sickle from Gaia. The blood from Uranus splattered onto the earth producing the second generation of gods. The third generation of gods were the children of Cronus and his sister Rhea, which included Zeus and his siblings. 2 nd and 3 rd generation of gods
Cronus swallowed each of his children due to a prophecy that one would overthrow him. Zeus escapes while Gaia tricks Cronus into regurgitating his siblings. Together with Zeus they wage war on Cronus and Zeus takes his place as the ruler and father of the Gods. Zeus overthrows Cronus
The howling winds bought on dust storm and earthquake, and the shafts of Zeus, Lightning and thunder and the blazing bolt, and carried shouting and the battle-cry into the armies, and a dreadful noise of hideous battle sounded. Example
Historical judgement Hesiod’s Theogony reaffirms what we see in vase paintings and have read in Homer and serves as a basis of Greek religion. Shows us that the Gods like us, wage war and are very much human in nature. Gives the Greeks an answer to how the world, humankind and the gods came to be through a series of crude and violent events.