Social protection of needy categories of the population in Russia Glukhikh Yana, The candidate of philosophical sciences, the senior lecturer
Social layers Poor people Needy people With average income Well off and rich people
Needy categories Disabled people( I, II groups) Pensioners Aged citizens (80 years and elder) Large families (many children) One-parent families Families with handicaped children Families of the unemployed people Families with little children The persons who have got in extreme situations
The basic methods of regulation a standard of living for categories in need Indexation The social help
Indexation The mechanism of automatic updating of incomes By increase of incomes at the certain interest through certain time By updating incomes in process of growth of a price level on beforehand stipulated interest
The state social help System of measures in order to help people who are in need (families and lonely citizens in need )
The purposes of rendering of the state social help Maintenance of a standard of living of people in need Overcoming and mitigation of vital difficulties Rational use of budgetary funds
Kinds of the social help Payments The natural help Services and privileges The humanitarian aid
Payments Social benefits Grants (definite sums of money) Compensations
Grants for payment (habitation/ dwelling) and municipal services ( % from the general number of families)
The state help to elderly and old people in the Russian Federation and Murmansk region The address social help (the housing grant) Development of social establishments (a network of houses for disabled people, houses for people, houses for veterans - room type with a complex of social service Hire of the medical equipment Free-of-charge transport ("Oka") The geriatric centres Houses of nursery care
Programs of Murmansk region (the Complex centres of social service) for old and elderly people Social privileges for payment of municipal services, public transport Social taxi Social chemist»s shops « Cheap fish » Social laundries Social hairdressing saloons Daily hot dinners Free-of-charge products (bread, a flour, macaroni) Social - resort treatment ("Tamara") Service at home
Model of social service, widespread in the Russian Federation (Murmansk region, Ekaterinburg, Penza, Novokuznetsk and others) The urgent social help (mobile brigades) Address social and economic kitchen gardens Social - medical service for people with diseases The organization of sanatorium treatment at home Entertainment Psychological correction Social chemist s shops Social taxi
The program « Habitation/ dwelling for elderly people » Own habitation The rehabilitation help The social centre Social - rehabilitation branch Day time stay Urgent home visiting service Social service at home Social dining room Special habitation Boarding house - the house for veterans The special (social) house Social hotel Social shelter The house of night stay The special house for persons from jails Branches of mercy The house of a nursery care
The list of categories in need and kinds of the privileges given to people of Murmansk region dwellingthe phonesanatorium treatment Cost of travel by bus in town medicines Veterans of war 50% less Free of charge Veterans50% less Free of charge It depends Handicapped children - 50% less Free of charge Large families ( many children) 50% less It dependsFree of charge to children up to 6 years