ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2011 Dr. Santa Molè, Director Local Technical Unit, Regional Office.


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Presentation transcript:

ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2011 Dr. Santa Molè, Director Local Technical Unit, Regional Office

Italian Development Cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a priority country in the agenda of the Italian Development Cooperation. According to the strategic program for the period , the Italian Development Cooperation intends to continue supporting coherent initiatives for the social, and economic development of the Country.

Instruments of the Italian Development Cooperation The main financial instruments of the Italian Cooperation are grants and soft loans. The areas of activity are various and focused on poverty reduction, and improvement of socio-economic conditions. Coo-financing activities are incuraged

Management Projects can be implemented by:  Public institutions of the Beneficiary Countries and Italian  Private entities  Non-profit organizations  Non-governmental organizations  Regions and local institutions  International organizations Operating under the supervision of the Italian Development Cooperation - Local Technical Unit (UTL),

Main areas of intervention of the Italian Development Cooperation in B&H Economic development => projects can be implemented through soft loan as to support small and medium enterprises, and on grant basis to sustain and develop small producer’s associations or micro-enterprises Environment => waste and water management on local level, through grants and in cooperation between local authorities and implemented by NGOs, Italian and local. Institutional Building => in this sector are implemented through grants and we operate directly with National and Local institutions in the sectors of juvenal justice, de-institutionalization and inclusion of minors deprived of parental care, youth education policies.

Main areas of intervention of the Italian Development Cooperation in B&H Rural development => projects implemented both by NGOs in partnership with public institutions and small local producers, and through direct management of Italian Cooperation. Social policies with particular attention to minors => projects implemented both by NGOs, directly involving local and national authorities, and through direct management by Italian Cooperation. Tourism and intangible heritage => projects implemented both by Italian ONGs through grants and through direct management by Italian Cooperation, to support local policies and to promote best practices in the sectors of sustainable tourism, valorization of cultural heritage, promotion of typical products.

Italian Development Cooperation 2011 INDICATIVE Sectors of Intervention

Project Porfolio

Pilot actions for an integrated rural development in B&H Amount: € ,00 First phase € ,00 Second Phase Institutional partners: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H; Ministries of Agriculture and Water Management and Forestry of FBiH and RS; Municipalities of Bratunac and Srebrenica. Activities: Increase the offer of services in the sector of rural integrated development, valorization of territory, training and micro-entrepreneurship Strengthen the extension of networks of services and capabilities of institutions and Bosnian associations working in these sectors Support the National Institution, Municipalities, Local Producers Associations, Universities

Pet Roboris - Coordinated management of civil protection activities in the lower valley of the river Spreca and in the area of Srebrenica Amount: € ,00 First phase € ,00 Second Phase Institutional partners: Ministry of security BiH; Municipalities of Doboj, Doboj Istok, Gracanica, Lukavac and Petrovo Collaboration with the Province of Arezzo Activities : Strengthen the system of civil protection in the valley of the river Spreca, through the creation of an inter-system coordination and integration of the volunteer with the institutional forces Support five municipalities with the involvement of the Italian system of civil protection

De-mining project – VI phase Amount: € ,00 First five phases € ,00 VI Phase Institutional partner: Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre (BHMAC) Activities : Improve security conditions of the inhabitants of the B&H through activities of land reclamation Encourage the industrial, touristic, agricultural and socio-economic development through the risk education activities Up to date, the project permitted the safety of a mined territory of around square meters, receiving numerous appreciations on behalf of the local authorities and the donor community active in this sector.

Development of early detection of breast cancer Amount: € ,00 Institutional partner: Ministry of Health FBiH Activities: Training for medical team on diagnosis and reconstructive interventions Provision of prosthetic material for reconstructive surgery in the public sector Sensibilisation and awareness campaign on the importance of early diagnostic symptoms, successful treatment, and reconstructive medicine

Rehabilitation of Gradska Banja Mostar Amount: € ,00 Institutional partners: Municipality of Mostar; Ministry of Health of FBiH. Activities: Re-qualification and renovation of the antique building of Gradska Banja Centre in Mostar, to operate as rehabilitation and therapeutic center

Support to actions in favour of children and adolescents in conditions of particular vulnerability and risk in BiH - phase III Amount: € ,00 Phases I and II € ,00 Phase III Institutional partners: Ministry of Health FBiH and RS; Municipality Novo Sarajevo. Activities: Realization of pilot interventions for minors to promote mental health, prevention of mental problems, deviant behaviors, and the improvement of social inclusion of Deliberate Self Harm children Training on themes of prevention/fight against youth deviance and mental problems as well as the theme of social inclusion of DSH children Reconstruction of a sports center and organization of sport activities for the healthy interaction of children with DSH Organization of informative campaigns and raising awareness on the use of sport as a tool for the promotion of mental health and social inclusion

Strengthening of the juvenile justice system in Bosnia and Herzegovina Amount: € ,00 Phases I € ,00 Phase II Institutional partners: Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH; Ministry of Justice FBiH and RS; Ministry of Interior BiH. Activities: Strengthening the juvenile justice system of BiH Formation of all operators in the sector Support to the Table of Coordination and assistance Implementation of pilot actions to support the territorial social services and the structures for youths in conflict with the law

Programme in support of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Credit Line Amount: € ,00 Institutional partner: Ministry of Finance and Treasury Activities: Sustain the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina Encourage economic growth of private sector and reinforce SMEs by allowing them easier access to the credit funds

Capacity building for youth inclusion – social development initiative for SEE Phase 2 Amount: € ,00 (Kossovo, Moldavia, Macedonia, Albania e Serbia) Amount: € ,00 (for Bosnia and Herzegovina) Institutional partner: Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH Implemented by: World Bank Activities: Strengthen the role and functions of the Commission for Youth Provide training and establish guide-lines Support with small grants initiatives for the Commission and for youth local NGOs in the Country

Pilot Project in support of Social and Cultural Communication in Bosnia and Herzegovina Amount: € ,00 Phase I Institutional partner: Ministry of Civil Affairs BiH Activities: Contribute to the active cultural and social revitalization in the areas of Srebrenica and Bratunac and indirectly other areas of Bosnia Herzegovina through formative courses and support to socio-cultural initiatives Strengthen the capacities of institutions and youth associations interested in valorizing local resources (human, natural, material and non-material) Create opportunities for formation, information in the cultural field, artistic field, as well as social communication, sustainable development and interethnic integration

SeeNet II – A network of translocal cooperation between Italy and South East Europe Amount: € ,00 (MAE/DGCS € ,00) Amount: € ,00 BhI Institutional partner: 43 Municipalities in South East Europe The project will operate in order to improve the dialogue among states, entities and local communities of south-eastern Europe There will be created a network that will offer concrete opportunities of developing policies on specific sectors in line with European standards with the aim to favourize the access to European Union funds. The Italian Regions involved in the Project are: Toscana, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Piemonte, Veneto, Provincia Autonomia di Trento.

Project to support Regional Cooperation Amount: € ,00 Institutional partner: Different institutions in all Countries of South East Europe The project has the objective to strenghten the inter-institutional communication, international partnership, integrated actions on different levels. The Italian Regions involved in the Project are: Piemonte, Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna

Thank you for your attention!