American Recovery and Reinvestment Act April 9 Update Agriculture and Rural Highlights WI Rural Health Council
Office of Recovery and Reinvestment Governor Doyle established in January 20 agency team chaired by Gary Wolter CEO of MG&E and Al Fish of UW Track funding and funding opportunities Maximize WI share of ARRA funds Oversee Transparency and Accountability Outreach
U.S.= $786.8B CBO estimate Tax Cuts $280.8B Direct to Individuals$198.0B Formula/Competitive$308.0B To Governments- state and local
WI to date ( estimated +growing ) Tax cuts and incentives $5.1B/ 3 Yrs Formula to State and Local$2.0B –Hwy, Sewage, Transit, Weatherization, Energy Efficiency and Renewables State Stabilization$2.0B –Medicare and Education Other $$$ –74 programs to compete (eg. broadband) –Federal Agencies (Army Corps,SBA, USFW etc.)
Agriculture and Rural Development ARRA in Wisconsin FSA direct loans for $7.45m –Pipelines now open from Omnibus –Expected $240m in loans in 2009 up from $204m in 2008 NRCS Watershed Flood Plain Easements - ARRA limit of $30m per state - Sign up extended through April 10
NRCS continued Watershed Rehabilitation- 2 planning projects Rural Development (ARRA funds project ready to go in 120 days) –Community Facilities –Water and Waste –Business and Industry –Business Enterprise Grants –Housing (released funds for 400 guarantees for $46m)
Other Ag Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program and Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm raised Fish (aka permanent disaster program) –FSA sign up- May 18 –Allows farmers to sign up/ pay buy in fees and be covered by SURE for 2008 crop losses (also need to promise to buy crop insurance for 2010) Aquaculture Producer Feed Assistance –DATCP will administer –Awaiting guidance
Social Services Medicaid/Badger Care--$1.2B over 3 years Community Health Centers –17 non profit $3.9m for increased services over 2 years FoodShare Benefit Increase $110.6m Nutrition Assistance (TFAP) Health Information Technology
Social Services Continued Head Start/ Early Start $10m Strengthening Communities Fund –Capacity building for non profits Community Service Block Grants –CAPs $12.3m Child Care Development Block Grants –WI SHARE $30.5m Child Support Enforcement
Larger Discretionary Funds ENERGY State Energy Program $55.6m Community Energy Efficiency Block Grants $37m Other competitive dollars Opportunities for funding Waste to Energy –Cheese and food processing –Biomass to energy
Broadband Rural unserved and underserved areas $7.2B –Mapping –Grants and Loans –3 Funding Rounds beginning in June 09 –Includes telemedicine
DATCP Special Projects School lunch equipment- Buy Local Workforce Training (farmer access) Food Assistance (eligibility for farmers) AmeriCorps and Vista